Chapter forty five.

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🄩ayn's p.o.v

When I arrived back at the house around seven pm, everyone had been in the kitchen. Sam was pacing like a mad man, Reese's mom was on the phone, and her dad was slipping on his shoes. "is everyone okay?"

Relief flashed across Mrs. Miles face, "Thank goodness, is Reese with you?"

I shook my head slowly, "No, she said she was spending the day with you?"

Her face fell once more, "She hasn't came home, she left this morning. She isn't picking up her cell, or answering texts. We've been out searching but nothing, Rick is going back out to search for her again now,"

"I'm coming," I quickly replied, uneasiness filled my body, "Do you know where she was going?"

"The library, but she's been gone all day" she said clutching the phone in her hands.

"I'm going too," Sam joined in.

"Okay, I'll stay here just in case she comes back." Her mom nodded.

"Call us if she comes," Mr. Miles said before we exited out the doors.

Once outside I dialed the familiar number, "Were going to need a lot more help, I'll call the guys."

"Good idea," Sam said as we walked.

The phone rang a couple times before Niall picked up, "Ello?"

"Reese hasn't came home all day, I was wondering if you guys would come help us look for her," I paused, "It may not be anything but if it is, I need you lot to come help. She said she was going to the library, but that place closed at five and it's going on seven thirty."

"Of course, I'll get the boys." He said agreeingly.

"Thanks, we'll meet you out front," I said before I hung up. We waited out front for them to get ready so I decided to call Layla to see if she knew anything. 

"Hello?" she answered immediately.

"Layla, hey. Have you heard from Reese?" I asked, worry evident in my voice.

"Not since yesterday, well last night." she spoke, something was wrong.

"If you hear from her please let me know, okay?"

"Okay. Zayn, what's happening." she asked, now she was worrying.

"She's been gone for hours and isn't answering her cell, I'm sure everythings fine, alright? I'll keep you posted."

"Okay, please do. Bye Zayn." the line went dead.

"Layla's not spoken to her since this morning our time, she has no clue." I sighed.

"Okay well let's split up, we need to make haste." Louis stepped up, "We need to split up into two."

"Okay teams?" Harry asked.

Louis looked around, "Zayn and Sam, Niall and Mr. Miles, Harry and I."

"Call me Gerald," He patted Louis's shoulder.

"We've got each others numbers, so if one of us finds her make sure to ring everyone," Louis nodded.

"Dang Lou, now we know who to go to in a crisis." Niall cracked a smile.

"Indeed," he gave a thumbs up, "Now let's move out."

Sam and I took the path towards the library, only a several minute walk from the condo. I kept ringing her phone, sometimes it wouldn't go through cause everyone else had tried calling. So I sent her a text.

To: My Reese:  Hey babe, it's been hours since you've been home and nobody's seen you.. We're all really worried, we're looking for you know. I hope you are safe, call me as soon as you see this okay?  I'm having terrible thoughts of what could have happened to you, I need to know you are okay. Love you Reese. x

"I'm really worried," Sam said fidgeting with his hands.

"I know, this isn't like her. To be out for so long, and not call?" The pit just kept getting deeper in my heart. What if she was taken or something, or she got hurt and can't call? I had to cut myself short of thinking such horrible things or I was going to throw up.

"Still nothing," Sam received a call thirty minutes later from Harry saying they'd not seen her yet. Walking around what seemed like forever made it all the more real, Reese is missing. That's when I started to feel sick, I had to take a break for a moment to get a breather. It felt as if we'd been going in circles, the library was closed so we couldn't find any help there. We crossed paths with some of the guys a couple times, only to hear the same phrase "nothing," This town isn't big, but searching for Reese made it seem infinite. Possibilities kept coming to mind again and again, making me feel capable of nothing, powerless. I decided to call Layla again.

"Hello?" she yawned.

"I'm so sorry to call you again so early," I apologized.

"No it's fine, did you find her?" she asked.

"We haven't, we've been searching everywhere." I trailed off, "There's no sign of her,"

"Where did she say she was going?" she asked.

"The library," I answered.

"Hold on, she texted me about the library once" she murmered, "Reese texted me a couple days ago about this shortcut to the library, she said it was amazing because of the graffiti on the walls. Have you been there?"

My heart started beating, "No, I didn't see a shortcut,"

"It's an ally," She spoke, "Look there,"

"Thank you Layla, I'll call you if she's there." I said taking off on a jog.

"What?" Sam asked,

"Layla said Reese takes a shortcut there, an alley," I was full on running now, "I almost missed the alley, it was well covered. I believe this is the one she meant, I could see the library towering behind the walls at the end.

𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆'𝒔 𝒑.𝒐.𝒗

I woke up dazzed and confused, it was dark out. It was night. I'd left early this morning? I sat up against the brick wall, picking out the little rocks that indented themselves on the leg I'd been laying on. I used my foot to bring my bag closer to me then bent over and pulled it the rest of the way. My phone was luckly still inside, lit up notifying that I had a text. I pushed the home button to see numerous texts, and calls from everyone. I rested my head against the wall trying to piece it together. I was walking and blacked out, I was sure of that. Wasn't sure of why, I'd not ever had any head related problems before. I felt drained, tired, with a barely noticeable headache. I could have just laid back down and went to sleep again, easily. Except I knew whatever happened, that everyone was worried.

"Reese?" Zayn's voice called out to my right,

My throat was dry, leaving me incapable of speaking. Quickly I grabbed my phone, turning on and off the flashlight to signal I was here. Zayn and someone else took off running for me, I was enveloped in his arms.

"Thank god," He said, his chest shaking. "What happened?"


Authors Note: We're on a roll my guys, thank goodness. Hope you enjoyed the read my friends. Thank you,

Stay Rad ~Bailey. x

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