Chapter twenty six.

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Song of the chapter: Fine Line - Harry Styles

Layla's p.o.v

The gravel crunched under the wheels of the car as we pulled into the designated visitor parking and came to a stop, cutting the engine. I grabbed my back pack and opened the door climbing out of the car to stretch out a bit.

When we made these plans we hadn't realized that a permit was required to camp here legally. For some reason unknown to me Liam already had one, which I found really odd. I had a thing about being over prepared for events and this was a spur of the moment trip which put me slightly on edge.

Instead of sleeping for the majority of last night I stayed up and researched. We had all the necessary supplies as of now and we were ready to go. Only one problem, the boys weren't here yet. Well, except for Sam but he really doesn't count anyways.

"Hey, do you know when the boys are coming?" I asked Reese, watching her try to balance her phone and water bottle in one hand while holding her back pack in the other.

"No actually, let me text them." She shuffled the items struggling to get to her phone.

"That's okay," I laughed. "I'll text them."

Me: Hey, when will you guys be here?

Harry: We just passed the visitor center thing. Be there in five.

"They will be here in five." I called to Sam and Reese who were already fighting over the last bag of sour patch kids, each of them claiming that it was theirs. I laughed at their child like behavior and checked the back seat again making sure I had everything I needed.

Sam, Reese, and I all had a tent and we brought one extra. There were eight of us total so each tent would sleep two people. I grabbed the bag of food and my back pack and sat the down beside the car not wanting to carry them longer than necessary.

"Hey look, it's the Backstreet Boys!" Sam shouted as the boys pulled up.

"Shut up loser." Reese and I both punched him, being as we were standing on each side of him.

"Ouch guys." Sam whined.

"That's what you get, just because they're hotter than you doesn't mean you get to be rude." Reese scolded.

"Who's hotter than what?" Niall asked as he stepped out of the car.

"Oh nothing." I laughed. "Anyways hey!" I chimed grabbing Niall into a hug.

"Hey Layla!" He smiled hugging me back before moving on to hug Reese and do that weird manly chest bump thing with Sam which caused me to laugh.

"Layla!" Harry shouted running and grabbing me in a tight hug. Harry and I had became closer recently, we texted a lot and sometimes he would randomly FaceTime me which was adorable.

"Harry!" I shouted back laughing before releasing him and hugging the rest of the boys ending in Liam who smiled slightly, he seemed fairly distant which was unusual. I shrugged it off for now, deciding to ask him about it later.

"Shall we go?" Reese asked and everyone grabbed their bags and we all headed towards the trail.

"Okay so we should have about a fifteen mile hike until we reach our campsite, then we will start the fire and eat supper. Sound good to everyone?" I spoke. Everyone agreed and we started up the trail, Niall deciding that he was our 'park guide' was leading the way. Map in hand and eagerly following the trail.

Reese was wearing black athletic pants, a simple white tee, black Nike's, and a black jacket. Her hair was tied back into a pony tail, she looked super sporty which worked well for her. I had on black leggings and a warm maroon knit sweater along with the hiking boots I had just bought, my hair was pretty much just doing whatever today so my beanie was a necessity. Even with the warm clothes I was freezing, it was December after all. Luckily we had picked a warmer day so it was around forty five degrees outside and sunny, good weather for a fifteen mile hike.

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