Chapter eight.

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Song of the chapter: Wolves - One Direction

Layla's p.o.v

The star's were something I had always had a fascination with. When I was little I always used to pretend I could hold the stars in my hands, in reality I knew that I couldn't because duh, huge ball of gas but there was just something so magical about them that kept me interested to this very day.

Everyone in my family had always thought that it was strange that I loved the stars so much, especially because of the fact that I didn't care too much for the night time, I loved the day. I wasn't ever alone in my fascination with the stars though, Reese shared my interest in them, some of my fondest memories with her were when we would hang on the roof of my family's tree house and see who could find the most constellations.

I chuckled at one of the more recent memories and Reese looked over at me, "What are you laughing at?" she questioned shooting me a strange look.

"Just thinking about the treehouse, and the stars. The sky seemed so much clearer from there, don't you think?"

"It did," she nodded, "that was, well still is really, one of my favorite places."

"Mine too." I agreed. I checked my cell phone, we had been out here for over two hours. Ganny would probably be worried and it was time for us to head back. "Hey Reese, we should probably head home. It's going on midnight."

"Midnight?" she shot up, I nodded. "Oh crap, I didn't realize it was that late."

"Me either," I laughed as she grabbed the blankets and shoved them in the trunk all before I even made it off the hood. "Got somewhere to be?" I asked her.

"No, I just have to be awake early, I have a couple appointments tomorrow and I need to get some sleep in before them."

"I was kidding," I laughed, "speaking of though, I need to call my mom tonight. She keeps asking about college and I think I need to tell her that I'm planning on traveling on my year off, instead of staying in Grover." Reese nodded and started the car before pulling out of the park.

"So, how are you going to bring it up to her?" She questioned.

"I'm not totally sure, I think that this might be something that I need to tell them in person. I might have to go home for a bit, just to let her know the plan and get some things together before it's time to travel." I told her.

"I get that, want me to come with?" She asked.

"No, that's okay. You stay here and spend some time with Ganny before we have to take off. She needs some time alone with you. I think I'm gonna get a rental car for tomorrow afternoon so I have time to pack up my things and say goodbye."

"Awhh, I wish you didn't have to go so soon."

"Me too, but a lot has to be done with the parentals and I have quite a few loose ends to tie up," I sighed, I wasn't really looking forward to this visit home.

"I think I'm gonna hang with Ganny for awhile then, I've already talked to the parents about the whole year off thing so really all I will have to do is go home and get packed up." Reese said and I nodded.

"I don't really want to have to tell Ganny bye, I won't see her again for over a year more than likely." Reese looked at me and sighed with a sad look on her face. By now we were pulling in the driveway and the car rolled to a stop.

"Hey, I'll give you a minute. Okay?" Reese told me. "I know that she isn't your Grandma, but she thinks of you as her Grandchild as well." She reassured me.

"Thanks," I smiled at her. "you're the best Reese." She nodded and I got out of the car. When I walked in the front door Ganny was sitting on the couch with a movie in. She paused it and waved at me.

"Hey Layla, I was waiting on you guys. Where's Reese?"

"She's outside getting some stuff from the car, can we talk?" I asked her, already dreading having to tell her I was leaving on such short notice.

"Of course we can dear."

"Okay, so you know this trip we're going on?" She nodded so I continued, "Well, since we just decided we were really going to do it I haven't had the chance to mention it to my parents. I was going to call my mom and discuss it but some things are better to do in person."

"Go on." she told me listening.

"So, I am going to be heading back to Grover beach tomorrow afternoon."

"Oh, I wish you didn't have to go Layla. It feels like you just got here."

"I know," I nodded, sniffling slightly. "I wish that I didn't have to go either, but in the excitement of it all I forgot to even mention it to my parents. I need to give them a little warning before I pack up and leave." She nodded in understanding at me.

"I'm going to miss you so much." she said pulling me in for a hug. "You should get some rest Layla, tomorrow's going to be one busy day for you." I nodded, telling her goodnight and heading for the bedroom right as Reese walked in the door. I gave her a small wave and continued down the hallway.

I climbed into bed and pulled out my cell scrolling down the contact list and clicking on my mom's name. I had to go to the contact because the woman was constantly changing her number and I just couldn't keep up. I pressed call and the phone rang a few times before my mom picked up.

"Hey Mom! I have some news." I called to her through the phone.

"Oh, what's that hon?" She responded.

"I'm coming home tomorrow."

"Really?" She asked me seemingly excited.

"Really! We have a lot to talk about Mom." I told her. "I should be home tomorrow night sometime."

"That's great, we're all glad to see you."

"I miss you guys, I'm going to get ready for bed now so I need to go. Love you, sweet dreams."

"Love you too Lay." She said before hanging up the phone. I decided to quickly find a car rental place and then I needed to pack my things, this being the first time I would get to use my new luggage. I grabbed my laptop and quickly searched for a local rent a car place. After looking through several options I decided on one.

I paid for it and it said the car would be available for pick up tomorrow at two in the afternoon. I was exhausted by now and it was almost one thirty so I brushed my teeth, threw on some pajamas and crawled into bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.


Hey guys(: sorry the update was MUCH later than expected. I was really busy and then I was grounded, well still am really but I have indeed updated so I hope you enjoyed. Sorry again about the wait!!!

Stay tuned(:

-Paige x

{Edited 2020 :) }

 Night And Day  (one direction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin