Chapter forty nine.

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𝑹𝒆𝒆𝒔𝒆'𝒔 𝒑.𝒐.𝒗

I'd truly felt fine, except for the occasional nausea. It would sweep through me at the thought of being confined to a hospital. I had changed from my previous clothing into something more suitable, we could've been waiting in a hospital lobby for endless hours. Sweatpants and long sleeve blue tee shirt, which ended up being a good call because it was nippy out.

"If you want, we can all come with you." Harry suggested, as I tugged on my converse.

I gave a small smile, "You've guys already spent all your free time being here for me, I won't let you spend the rest doing the same. You guys are here in California, go raise some hell, have fun." Harry, Louis, and Niall each gave me a hug before retreating back to the couches.

Zayn's arm slipped around my waist, pulling me closer once we were outside. "You didn't think we'd let you face this alone, did you?" Sam, Liam, and Layla all shook their heads no, agreeing with Zayn.

"Thanks," I replied graciously. We all piled into the car, but nobody spoke. I purposely turned the music up so nobody would talk, talk about where we're going or the possibilities. Ten minutes later we rolled up to the hospital, it seemed to loom over me, taunting me almost.

"I'll sign you in," Layla said as we entered the automatic doors, telling me to go ahead and sit down. So I walked to the closed off portion of the waiting room, taking the seat next to the large window. There wasn't anyone else waiting in the lobby, besides us. I looked to Zayn, who already staring at me.

"I'm fine," I slipped my hand into his, and gave a comforting squeeze. "I really am, I feel fine. I could run a mile."

"I love you." He blurted.

"What?" I said completely thrown for a loop.

"I love you. I'll always love you." He said confidently. "This whole incident, showed me how much you mean to me."

I just stared at him, in disbelief. I wasn't really expecting him to say that, and when I was about to respond my name was called. "Zay-"

"Livia Miles?" A nurse called out, looking around the room for me.

"Livia?" Zayn asked?

"Damn." I said mentally face palming. "I'm sorry, I was going to tell you my birth name.... Eventually."

"I feel decieved," Zayn said dazed.

"I've got it," Layla assured.

As I walked towards the nurse, I heard Zayn repeat "Livia?", which made me chuckle kind of. I insisted on going in alone, which I ended up regretting. The room I was taken to was surprisingly open, not small and gritty. A large window over looked the busy interstate in the distance, the sky was beautiful. Not a cloud in sight, which made me less antsy.

"So what brings you here today?" Her thinly plucked eyebrows were shaped into a deceptively perfect arch, that followed the curve of her eyes. Her nametag on the left side of her shirt read Karlie.

"I was overseas, and on my way to the library and I passed out, My friends made me come back here because they're worried." I trailed off, not really wanting to get into it. But to no avail, there was a knock at the door. And followed by that knock, was Layla stepping in giving me glare.

"Do not let her downplay the situation." Layla's eye's narrowed on me, of course she would come back here. Making sure nothing was skipped over, or left out.

"Layla," My eyes slammed shut. "I've got this handled."

"Nurse," Layla paused, "Karlie, this is a very serious situation. Reese was unconscious for over twenty four hours, a whole day. Nobody could locate her, she was laying out in an alley. Not even to mention that when she woke, she didn't even go home! She went to the library, then to a dinner! She had temporary amnesia, the owner of the place had to call her boyfriend and family so she could get back. We don't know if this was natural, or if something, or someone caused it."

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