Chapter six.

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Song of the chapter: Walking in the wind - One Direction.

Layla's p.o.v

Reese had already fallen asleep, something she does when she's really excited about something. She goes to sleep so it will come sooner, I on the other hand had no chance of getting to sleep tonight. I was literally, over the moon.

A lot had happened the past week, we left Los Angeles and Georgia behind. I was extremely disappointed that we didn't see the boys again, it was really cool hanging out with them. We had went back to our home and started planning out our road trip, deciding that our best option was to visit in the states first, we hadn't been to all of them and we thought it would be cool if we could. Lastly, we had came to Ganny's, who despite the fact I call her Ganny, isn't actually my grandma, but Reese's. The cool thing is she's the closest thing I have to one and she treats me like a second grandchild. Her being the amazing person she is, bought us two tickets to One Direction.

I had been so excited, that I was just now realizing I didn't even know when or where the concert was. I got out of bed to look for the tickets, Ganny had went to bed about an hour ago so I didn't want to disturb her. I walked into the kitchen and went through the mail drawer, no sign. I turned around and saw them, they were hanging side by side on the fridge.They were beautiful, the best part of it all was that they were actual tickets, not those cheap looking tickets that you print out. She was the absolute best.

I snapped a pic of the ticket and walked back to our room. I dug through my luggage until I found my laptop, I turned it on and quickly typed in the passcode. I looked at the picture of the ticket, February Seventh. I think that's actually the first show of the tour, I could be wrong though so I Googled it anyways. Per my search results, February seventh was the first show but it was in Sydney, as in Australia. This just keeps getting better and better.

It was now nearing one in the morning and I was exhausted, still though I couldn't sleep a wink. I scrolled through my personal twitter for awhile before I finally decided to tweet, making sure I left out the boys' names.

"@Laylaanne: Had a great time in L.A, met some really cool people and made some memories I won't ever forget. Hope to visit again soon. x"

I sent that tweet and switched over to my fan, I don't really interact much on my personal. I decided to tweet about the concert.

"@liamscxffee: Hey babes, who's going to OTRA Sydney?"

Several of my mutuals replied to me saying they would see me there. I spent the rest of the night on twitter, making friends and shit. My mom says I'm not social, pshhh.


At some point in the night I had fallen asleep, finally. I sat up in bed nearly knocking my laptop off in the process. Reese was out of bed already, she must've slept well. I went and brushed my teeth and hair before heading to the kitchen to find out the plan for today. Reese and Ganny were sitting at the table, they were talking and eating breakfast. I sat down in my usual chair, yes I have one of those.

"Morning guys, sleep well?" I asked, they nodded back smiling at me.

"You?" Reese asked me.

"Not really," I smiled sheepishly "I was too excited, you know how I am." They laughed agreeing.

"Want some breakfast?" Ganny asked me.

"I'll just have cereal," she nodded and started to get up. "I'll get it, it's just cereal." I laughed getting up and going through the cabinets, the cereal cabinet seems to have a new home every time we visit. I got out a bowl, cereal, the milk, and a spoon, poured the cereal, and sat back down at the table.

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