-Chapter 11- I Can't Wait

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Tenten was at home in her bed just watching TV. Since she was now 5 month pregnant plus with a broken knee. Annnd Neji was now extra protective over Tenten. On his duty... He often had the job to patrol Konoha and make sure nothing looks suspicious. And when he gets that jobs... he makes sure to check their home many times. We mean. MANY times. In like 10 minutes Neji checks on Tenten. Then 10 minutes later he checks on her. And again. And again. Tenten was bored and annoyed out of her mind. Nothing good was on to watch... she didn't really have many hobbies that she enjoyed doing other than running a weapon shop or doing anything that involves weapons which she can't do at the moment cause she can't WALK WITHOUT NEJI BEING OVERPROTECTIVE.

Tenten rested her chin on her palm as she switch from channel to channel. Trying to find anything that catches her interest. After a while she groaned in frustration. Shutting off the TV.

"Why can't Temari be here when I'm bored..." Tenten mumbled. Everyone was really busy. Plus some were on a mission. The week has gotten busier lately. Tenten stared at the ceiling thinking about what to do that she can do.

"Mother... what did you do when you were bored...?" Tenten softly asked. She looked at her baby bump.

"Maybe I can sing a lullaby to you... but what...?" Tenten pondered. Suddenly she had remembered one lullaby that made her gasp a bit.

"My mother used to sing me this... when I was really young... its the only memories I have of my... mother..." Tenten smiled. She took a deep breath. She then sang with a very calm soothing voice.

"You Are My Sunshine☀️
My only sunshine

You make me happy
When skies are grey

You'll never know, dear
How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away...

I'll always love you
And be there for you

I'll protect you from harm's way
'Cause I adore you

You're my dream come true
You're my beautiful sunshine

You Are My Sunshine☀️
My only sunshine

You make me happy
When skies are grey

You'll never know, dear
How much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away..."

Tenten was on the verge of crying to the fact she remembered it... it had brought back memories. She felt the baby kick.

"Did you like that?" Tenten softly asked. She then heard a slow clap. Tenten looked at the doorway to see that Neji was there.

"That was beautiful..." Neji smiled.

"Thank you. It was a lullaby that my mother sang to me..." Tenten said. Neji looked a little shocked.

"Tenten I've never got the chance to ask you this..." Neji said as he sat on the bed with Tenten. She looked at him curiously.

"What did you do as a kid? After having no family...?" Neji asked. Tenten stared at Neji for a moment. She then sighed.

"Honestly I don't remember. Most of my childhood memories are just. Me crying... I'm either in my tree house or... I dunno... walk around?" Tenten said. Neji sighed.

"Now that I think about it... Will I be a terrible mother? Because I didn't really get a chance to grow up with my parents... nor with any other adults." Tenten asked.

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