-Chapter 13- I'll Take Care Of You

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(Before I Continue... Do you guys like this so far? Is it too dramatic? Is the characters not acting like they do in the show? Is this boring? If there is problem... Do tell me! What should I change? Who do you want to see often? Stuff like that! 

Another Question....  Should Sasuke Return? 

Thank you for the kind comments btw!! It really makes me happy! ^w^ Well Shall we get to the story? Onward!!!)

"My head hurts. My vision is freaky as hell. I'm seeing like, 5 Neji. Not that don't mind- Ahem... Anyways... Summary... I feel like shit. I want to train. I want to spend time with Neji! Damnit Why does bad things always happen to me! This year has been shitty so far..." Tenten thought to herself. 

She was awake but didn't have her eyes open since she was having hallucination. Beside, her dizziness made her head hurt. Tenten wanted to sleep but she was not tired at all. Well not sleepy, her body was just done. She could hear someone walking around. She had assume it was Neji. Tenten then felt him touch her forehead. 

"Still hot... Its been 3 hours..." Neji said. He then checked Tenten's temperature and waited. He then took it out of her mouth and looked at. Tenten heard him sigh. 

"106... Kami.. Why isn't the medicine working?" Neji mumbled. He wrote down the information. 

"My fever is that high? How high is it to the point where death awaits?"




"109 and higher- S h i t-

"3 more and I'm dead! and so far from what I'm hearing... My fever is getting worse!" 

"This isn't good. I- ArGH! My Fucking Head HURTS Again! This is absolute torture..."  Tenten talked to herself in her mind.

She groaned a bit squinting her face which had caught Neji's attention. He then sighed. So far, day 1 isn't going well. Neji stared at Tenten who kept panting. 

"Tenten. Can you hear me?" Neji asked. Tenten nodded slightly. Barely noticeable but Neji caught it. 

"Can you talk? Or somehow form words? I need to ask you some questions." Neji said as he sat on the bed with Tenten. 

"M..kay..." Tenten mumbled. 

"Can you tell me how you feel right now? Or is that too hard?" Neji said. 

"sick....dizzy.....head..ache... 5 neji...s.... warm... Can't move.. well.... can't breathe...right.." Tenten's words faded at the end. 

"Ah.. Okay... Do you want to take a warm bath...?" Neji asked. Tenten shook her head no.

"Okay. You can rest. I won't have you do anything else." Neji smiled. Tenten then sneezed. Then there was knocking. Neji went up to see who it was. It was Sakura. 

"I came to check on her. How was the night?" Sakura asked. Neji let her inside and she walked into Tenten's room. 

"It.. Was alright? She slept as far as I know. Right now she is awake." Neji said. He then gave Sakura the report. 

"Her fever is rising?" Sakura asked. Neji nodded. She raised an eyebrow. She grabbed the medicine bottle, took out some pills and had Tenten take them. 

"Have her take one in the afternoon then. Has she eaten anything..?" Sakura asked. 

"No. I tried to get her to eat but she just doesn't want to, and if she does.. In like a few minutes she ends up throwing up again. I'm lost. I don't know what to do..." Neji had a long sigh. 

"Here let me make her something and try something." Sakura said. 

Few Minutes Later...

"Kay I back. Tenten I made you chicken soup." Sakura then sat at the bed. She set the bowl on the table and help move Tenten making her sit up a bit. Sakura then grabbed another Pillow and put it behind her. Now Tenten was somewhat sitting up. 

"Tenten I know you don't want to eat but If you don't eat, It'll end up killing you because what you are doing to yourself is just making yourself much weaker then it needs to be. You need energy to fight off the fever. Its also why your fever went up." Sakura said. 

"m..kay.." Tenten coughed. Sakura fed Tenten. 

"It's good..." Tenten mumbled. She then finished the entire bowl of soup. 

"Good. Now just lay down." Sakura said, which Tenten did right away. 

"If we are lucky... She will be better after a week." Sakura smiled. 

"Kay Good because I wanted to take her- I mean- Uh... Nevermind what I said." Neji sighed. Sakura raised an eyebrow. She then finally gets it. 

"Are you two... perhaps dating?" Sakura smirked. Neji face went red. He nodded. 

"Finally! I shipped you two for a LooooooooNG time." Sakura giggled. 

"You- Huh?"  Neji blinked at Sakura.

"Nevermind that. I need to get going before Tsnuade yells at me." Sakura then waved goodbye and left. Neji looked at Tenten. 

"Neji..?" Tenten mumbled. Neji rested his head on Tenten's bed. 

"mmm?" Neji mumbled. 

"kiss?" Tenten asked. Neji sighed as he smiled. Neji then kissed Tenten on the cheek. 

"Anything for you Panda... I'll take care of you." Neji smiled. 

Tenten & Neji ~Protection~ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum