-Chapter 8- Might As Well Sleep

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Tenten was now 2 months pregnant. Her belly was getting to the point it was somewhat noticeable. It was morning and now Neji was the first one to get up. He couldn't bring himself to wake up Tenten. Of course now with her being pregnant, Neji was extra protective. Maybe... overprotective. Neji headed to the kitchen and decided to make pancakes. The sweet aroma filled the air. Waking up Tenten.

"Mm... That smells good..." Tenten mumbled. Spitting out the strand of hair that was in her mouth. She got up and walked to the kitchen to kiss Neji's neck while hugging him by behind.

"Oh. Ohayo Beautiful." Neji smiled. He then looked down at Tenten's belly.

"And Ohayo to you little one." Neji rubbed Tenten's belly.

"Hehe. Thanks Neji... is the... um.. Pancakes done yet?" Tenten was eager to eat them. Neji flipped over a pancakes with a spatula.

"Not quite. Go sit down. I'll make you tea as well." Neji smiled.

"Oh? Someone is being a gentleman." Tenten smiled. She then sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. She was watching a cartoon. It was for kids but it oddly entertained Tenten.

Neji flipped the remaining pancakes and then put them on the plate. He then poured some tea inside the mug. Neji carried the mug and plate to Tenten.

"Here you go my love. Enjoy." Neji smiled. Handing over her breakfast.

"This looks awesome! Thank you Neji! Can I please have coffee?" Tenten asked.

"Can't have Coffee." Neji reminded. Tenten groaned in frustration. She sipped on her warm tea. Tenten dugged into her pancakes.

"Oh thus us so guud!" Tenten yelled with her mouth full.

"Glad you like it." Neji smiled.

"Dont you have a job?" Tenten asked.

"Don't worry about that. I'm staying here." Neji said as he sat next to Tenten, who glared at Neji.

"Neji... Go work. I'll be fine." Tenten said.

"But what if something happens when I'm gone? What if you fall downstairs? What if you trip? What if you accidentally cut yourself with a weapon? What if-"

"My god would you SHHHHUSH?!" Tenten shoved a pancakes in Neji's mouth.

"I will be fine! Go to your job." Tenten said. Neji sighed.

"Fine fine... but-"

"Yeah yeah I know. I'll call you if I need anything." Tenten said. Neji then left home. Tenten sighed.

"I love him... but he worries to much..." Tenten chuckled. She wasn't opening her shop today. Every Wednesday, her shop doesn't open. Tenten decided to do chores around the house. She cleaned the dishes, dusted the place, cleaned her weapons, washed the laundry and putting them away. Etc.

"God... why am I so tired... does pregnancy make me tired quickly?" Tenten asked herself as she was cleaning the floor. Tenten then felt like sleeping. She then randomly decided to just fall asleep right where she was. On the hard floor.

"Just... gonna sleep... right here." Tenten mumbled as she closed her eyes.

"Oh Tenten! Guess who is here!"



"Tenten? Are you sleeping? Do I have to wake up the sleeping beauty?"


"Kay I'm coming up there."


Door opens

Tenten & Neji ~Protection~ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz