-Chapter 5- Disguise

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"Is that the village?" Tenten asked.

"Should be. Its smaller then I expected." Neji noticed.

"Do you really think any of the stolen stuff has been brought here?" Tenten asked. Neji shrugged.

"Who knows. Its better to look anyways. You know the drill." Neji said. Tenten put back her cloak on. They entered the Village. It was a poor place. Many farmers and workers were here. Houses has seen better days. But it was peaceful... children were heard laughing. Chasing each other playing tags. Girls picking flowers and turning them into crowns.

"Its quiet but busy." Tenten smiled.

"Much better then the previous village correct?" Neji asked.

"Oh god yes." Tenten softly giggled.

"Are you two visiting?" A somewhat old lady stopped them.

"Why yes. We are." Tenten smiled.

"Well feel free to stay as long as you want. We welcome everyone. The good ones obviously. Do ask us if you need any help." The old lady smiled.

"Actually... we do need help... can we talk somewhere privately?" Tenten asked.

"Oh? Alrighty then." The old lady wobbled to the side of the house.

"We are from Konoha. We have been assigned an important mission. Have you seen anyone here that looks... suspicious or look like they stole something?" Neji asked.

"Oh my. Well can't say for sure but I did see some ladies arrived here. I don't know but they send me chills. Its like I can sense something bad about them. That's all I can think of..." The Old lady chuckled.

"Where are they?" Tenten asked. The lady pointed at a large house. It looked like a hotel.

"Thank you." Tenten smiled.

"Take good care of her young man." The lady patted Neji's back.

"A-ah... er..." Neji felt uncomfortable. Tenten was laughing quietly. The two walked to the hotel and went inside. It did not look like a hotel at all. It almost looked like a bar.

"Er... its a shady place." Tenten mumbled.

"These people here don't quite look too happy. Let's separate. Remember... don't cause too much suspicions." Neji whispered. Tenten nodded.

"Hey you girl! Come join! I'll pay your drink!" The man yelled. Tenten sighed and sat at the bar next to the man.

"Wine please." Tenten asked the bartender.

"So what are you here for? I don't think I've seen you here?" The man asked.

"Me and my Husband are traveling. Do you live here?" Tenten asked as she sipped on her wine.

"Damn right I do. W-Wait your married?" The man stared at Tenten.

"Yeeup. Why? Were you planning to hit on me?" Tenten teased. The man sighed.

"Yep. Its a shame. You look like a very nice lady." The man drank his drink.

"Thank you though." Tenten laughed nervously.

"Soo um... I've heard someone talking about someone selling a... thing from Konoha. Not sure what it is but It sounds interesting." Tenten fiddled with her cup.

"Oh yeah. They are here at this bar I think. A guy was spreading rumors that it was a..." The man leaned over to Tenten's ears.

"Scrolls from the Hokage's office." He whispered. Tenten gasped.

"Seriously?! How did they even get that?" Tenten asked. The man shrugged.

"Who knows. All I know its probably really expensive... and I don't got the money for anything expensive." The man sighed.

"Plus that's a crime. A massive one to be sure. I ain't dragging myself into that trouble." The man said.

"Do you know who is selling it? If possible... can you point to them?" Tenten asked.

"Its those two girls I believe. The one with dark short blue hair and brown hair." The man pointed.

"Arigato. Thanks for the drink." Tenten smiled and gave the man a small bag of money.

"Jackpot~" The man's pitch went up a bit. Tenten walked over to the two girls who were flirting with the guys.

"So I heard you got something valuable?" Tenten asked. The girls stared at Tenten.

"And... who the hell are you?" The blue hair girl had an irritated face.

"Er... Talia. I've traveled all the way for this. I'm getting what I want." Tenten said. The girls looked at each other then laughed.

"Oh please! You don't have the body to even attract the best man!" The brown hair laughed.

"Cause I'm married thank you very much. How much is it." Tenten asked.

"Married? That's even worse! Why be married when you can have so many men to please! You don't have to worry about cheating! You can have allllll the men... all night long." The blue hair girl giggled. Tenten nearly gagged at that.

"Oooo look... call that guy over. He is sexy as fuck!" The brown hair pointed at Neji.

"Hey you! Pretty boy with the grey cloak on! Come over here~" The blue hair cooed. Neji stared at the girls with an irritated face. He then walked over to Tenten and stood next to her.

"Come sit here... we would make you feel so good!" The brown hair girl smirked.

"Mmm... no thanks. Already married to this gorgeous lady." Neji hugged Tenten's waist. She slightly blushed.

"Wh-..." The blue hair girl was pissed. Then the brown leaned over and whispered something to her ear.

"I think that man is in the Hyuga Clan. Look at his eyes." The brown noticed.

"I would die for him... just imagine how awesome it would be to have a Hyuga clan member always be on your side? No one would dare to harm us!" The blue snickered.

"Okay. How about this. You let us have Your husband... and we'll give the scrolls!" The girls held the scrolls. It was definitely them. It wasn't fake either.

"Wh- God no!" Tenten yelled. Neji then leaned over and whispered into the girl's ears. Their face then looked horrifed.

"I-.... God... fine... give us the money..." The blue hair girl pouted. Neji gave the money to the girls. They then gave the scrolls to Tenten.

"Thank you..." Neji said. Tenten checked the scrolls and scanned it to make sure nothing was missing or it was fake. Everything was fine.

"We'll be on our way." Tenten said. The two then left the hotel.

"What did you say to them?" Tenten asked Neji.

"Oh I just told them they were doing something so illegal that we have the right to kill them." Neji smirked.

"Smart." Tenten smiled.

"Was born as a genius." Neji said.

"So now... we got the important part... I think all that is left is the furnitures... Jewelry... stuff..." Tenten said.

"Well... there is one place in mind that would definitely have all of those stuff... but it'll take us probably a month or more. Since its all the way in the east... and we went west." Neji said. Tenten sighed.

"Well. Let's hope it's the right place. Shall we go now?" Tenten asked. Neji nodded. They then left the village.

"Where is the place?" Tenten asked.

"In Land of Hurricanes I believe. Its close to Land of Lightning... FYI Cloud Village." Neji said.

"Well. Let's pick up the pace." Tenten said.

"Hai." Neji said. They picked up their pace and headed east.

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