-Chapter 5- Tired (Lemon)

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Tenten leaned her head on Neji's chest as he carried her. Shikamaru had Temari's arm around his neck as he waited for her antidote to do the work. Tenten was sore and tired. Her eyes looked at Neji. He was looking ahead with his byakugan keeping an eye out for any danger.

"Don't use it so much." Tenten mumbled. Neji looked down. He sighed as he deactivated his byakugan. Tenten looked down at her clothes. She had a large hole on her shirt. Plus some cuts. She was very bloody too. Tenten then leaned her head on Neji's chest again as she sighed. Her eyes slowly closed. Still squinting a lot due to the sun. She was taking a nap. Neji had noticed Tenten was sleeping. He chuckled a bit as he smiled. 

"Cute..." Neji thought. . . . . .

Tenten felt like she was on a soft bed. Her eyes fluttered opened. The sun shined through the window. Tenten groanly sat up holding her forehead.

"The hell happened...?" Tenten asked herself. She looked around and had saw her clothes on the bed. They had been sewed. They were also not bloody anymore. She was really hungry. Her body swung to the side to get up. Once she did, she nearly fell. Guess she was still a bit weak. She had used the walls to help maintain her balance as she walked out of her room to the kitchen. Till she had noticed someone. It was Neji. He was making food.

"Neji..Sama?" Tenten said. He had quickly looked at Tenten.

"Oh your awake. How do you feel? I am making you food." Neji smiled. He don't often smile. She has blushed a bit and looked away. Neji then held a plate and showed it to Tenten. There was sesame dumplings, rice, and biscuit. She was drooling.

"W-Wow... Arigato." Tenten smiled. She took the plate and sat at the table and chowed down.

"H-Hey slow down. You'll end up choking." Neji sighed. .

"A-Ah. Gomen. I'm just really hungry." Tenten slowed down. She then heard a knock.

"I'll go get it." Neji said. He had opened the door to see that it was Guy Sensei.

"Where is Tenten?" Guy asked.

"Eating at the table... Why?" Neji raised an eyebrow.

"She need to train with us." Guy said.

"Did you forget? She was badly hurt at the mission-"

"I don't care. Training is important. It can't go to waste. If she wants to prove to us that she isn't useless then she need to join." Guy said. Neji scoffed. He then slammed the door.

"Unbelievable." Neji mumbled. He walked back to Tenten who looked down at her plate sad.

"Don't listen to that old man." Neji said. Tenten sighed. She stood up and wobbly walked back to her room. She then flopped on her bed. Neji stood at the doorway crossing his arm. He then sighed as he walked to Tenten's bed and lay hugging her waist as he had his face in her hair. Tenten immediately blushed hard.

"N-Neji?!" Tenten said. Neji had pushed himself up and looked at Tenten's red face. She stared at Neji face wondering what he was thinking. He then had his hands on her cheeks.

"Neji...?" Tenten knew what was going to happen. Neji then leaned in kissing her right on the lips. She figured it was just a normal kiss. Boy was she wrong. Neji's tongue pushed her lips asking for entrance. She immediately denied. Neji smirked. He then grabbed Tenten's breast all the sudden. Causing her to gasp. He had used that chance to put his tongue in her mouth. Which he did. His tongue swirled around Tenten's tongue. Tenten felt odd and warm. She hated to admit but she liked it. Her arms wrapped around Neji's neck.

(Alright you horny readers... you wanted this... your wish has been granted.)

"Look at you all blushing and giving me that lewd look. Thought you were supposed to be the serious type." Tenten cooed, till she realized Neji had a somewhat upset look.

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