●Season 2● -Chapter 1- Rough Day

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5 years later...

Tenten was older now. She had longer hair that was braided. Her outfit was new too. Neji mostly just changed his outfit. Often times its grey then white.
They both now sleep together in their new home. The weapon shop was on the 1st floor. They had to go upstairs to reach to their living room and kitchen and etc. It was pretty nice.

"Ohayo Panda." Neji cuddled with Tenten who was sleeping. She woke up and smiled.

"Ohayo... mm... I don't wanna get up..." Tenten rubbed her eyes. She sat up yawning.

"You have a job remember? I gotta go and work as a guard." Neji got up.

"Yeah yeah. I know... But I want be on a vacation..." Tenten stretched. She got off and walked into the bathroom with Neji. They both brushed their teeth.

"Wut me to fux yur haur?" Tenten mumbled. Neji nodded. Tenten brushed Neji's long hair and made it into a ponytail.

"There you go. I need to take a shower... I'll be out in a sec." Tenten said.

"Kay. Don't take too long." Neji kissed Tenten's head and left the bathroom. Tenten got in the shower and turned on the warm water. She washed her hair and body. Tenten felt relaxed. Once she finished, she dried her hair and body with a towel.

"Mm... Hair buns...? Braid...? Why not both." Tenten made her hair into buns and braid after she put her clothes on. Tenten then left the bathroom to smell something amazing.

"Mmm that smells good! What are you making?" Tenten walked in the Kitchen.

"Omlette." Neji said as he handed out a plate with omlette on it.

"Oh wow! Thank you Neji." Tenten smiled. She set down the plate and made herself some coffee.

"How do you feel?" Tenten asked Neji as she sipped on her coffee. Neji raised an eyebrow. He finally understood what she meant.

"Oh. I'm fine thank you. You worry to much hun." Neji chuckled.

"Neji I saw you return home with a bloody side. I have the rights to be worried. I don't want you out there if you still in pain." Tenten said. Neji sighed.

"Will this make you stop?" Neji kissed on Tenten's lips.

"... Very well." Tenten pouted. Neji snickered.

"Well I already ate. Ima head out. Have a good day panda." Neji kissed Tenten on the forehead.

"Kay. Be safe!" Tenten waved Neji a goodbye. She then finished her coffee and food. She rinsed the dishes and put them away.

"Kay. Time to start the day." Tenten walked downstairs and turned on the lights. She flipped the sign to "Open". Tenten opened her shop doors and then sat at the counter waiting for a customer.

"Waiting..." Tenten said.

30 minutes later...

"Still... waiting" Tenten rested on her hand.

30 minutes later...

"Mmm..." Tenten groaned in boredom. Her shop doesn't get to many customers unfortunately. Just as she was about to fall asleep... first customer of the day came inside.

"Oh- Hello! How can I help you!" Tenten smiled.

"I need 500 kunais." The man set down a bag of money. Tenten sighed.

"Kay. Give me a sec." Tenten opened a box of scrolls. They had a tag on them telling her how many kunais was in here. She grabbed a scroll that said 500 kunais.

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