-Chapter 8- Recovery

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Tenten was getting better. Her head hurted less, she was still dizzy, but she is able to walk around without a problem. She had just finished training and was walking back home till she saw someone. It was Ino... with... crutches..? She had Band-Aid on her cheek, Her one arm was wrapped in bandages, and her left foot was in a cast.

"Ino? What happened?" Tenten ran up to her. She stares at Tenten.

"Oh this? Mission went horribly wrong." Ino laughed nervously.

"Do you want help?" Tenten asked.

"No but it would be nice to just chat with you on the way back to my home." Ino smiled. Tenten nodded and walked with Ino at the same pace.

"How did it go wrong?" Tenten asked.

"Well... Shikamaru, Choji, and I had an A rank Mission. We had to defeat the enemy ninjas. Everything was going well until one ninja threw endless kunais with Explosion tag on them. Shikamaru and Choji managed to avoid it, but right at that moment I was being attacked. I had no time to escape. Then it exploded. I was pushed off the cliff from the impact of the Explosion and ended up rolling down the steep rocky hill. That's all I remember." Ino had explained.

"Dang! Well I'm glad your alright. Like alive." Tenten said.

"That goes for you too. I heard what happened with you and Temari. That must have been scary. You doing alright so far?" Ino asked.

"I'm much better then before. Still dizzy but my headache isn't as painful as it was before." Tenten said.

"That's good. Kami... I'm just out of the hospital and I already hate this..." Ino groaned.

"Feel free to let me know if you need any help with anything. Its... not like I have better things to do..." Tenten smiled a bit, then it became a frown.

"Hm..? We are here. Can you come inside? I need to ask you something." Ino asked. Tenten nodded and went inside with her. Ino went to her room and sat on her bed.

"Are you doing alright? You seemed sad lately. Is someone hurting you? Please do tell the truth." Ino asked. Tenten stayed silent.

"A...lot has happened lately." Tenten held her arm as she looked away.

"Come sit next to me. I want to hear them if that is okay with you." Ino patted the bed. Tenten sighed and sat with her.

"Well... it all started during my training with my team. You heard about the cliff accident right?" Tenten asked. Ino nodded.

"Guy... doesn't like me too much. I found about that on that day. He didn't care about the fact I was hurt or recovering." Tenten said.

"Why though?" Ino asked.

"I don't know... but he has said some mean things... He called me Useless... Burden... Weak... Bitch... ugly Idiot. Stuff like that. Right in my face. I think he only sees me as a tool. Not a human." Tenten said.

"That's horrible. Do you stand up for yourself?" Ino asked. Tenten stared at the ground.

"Yeah... I've tried, but it ended horribly." Tenten held her arms as her shoulder went up to her face.

"Torture Training... he would drag me around and force me to do so many things Neji and Lee can't even do. Like 2000 push-ups. He didn't care if it was going to take months. If I fainted, he would hurt me until I wake up. It's such a horrible thing. I've asked for help. Like the Hokage, other Sensei... Anyone... he still does it." Tenten said trying so hard not to cry. Ino then wrapped her arms around Tenten, She had let out her feeling. Bawling on her shoulder as she hugged Ino.

"Don't worry. You have us. Plus Neji too..." Ino smiled as she rubbed Tenten's back.

"Gomen... I'm crying like a child..." Tenten mumbled.

"You have every right to cry about something like this. You should not be going through this at all! No one should!" Ino said. She then had Tenten faced towards her face.

"Why don't you help me out sell flowers?" Ino smiled. Tenten wiped her tears and nodded.

"Sweet! Let's open the shop then!" Ino grabbed her crutches and then stood up to walk to the shop. Tenten followed. Ino flip the sign making it say Open.

"Alright. Now the waiting game. In the meantime... can you water the flowers?" Ino asked as she held the watering can. Tenten nodded and took it. She then watered the flowers. Then the first customer came.

"Hello! How can I help you?" Ino smiled. She then realized it was Sakura.

"Oh forehead. What's up?" Ino said. She then was tackled by Sakura hugging her crying.

"S-Sakura? What's wrong?" Ino asked. She wasn't able to hug back. Tenten stared at the two girls concerned. Ino grabbed a chair and sat down. Sakura tried to wipe off her tears but it kept falling.

"Tell me. What happened? Did someone hurt you? I'll beat them to shit!" Ino clenched her fist.

"It's not that... sniff... I had a rough day at the hospital... I had to witness a child die... The parents yelled at me. There was no way I could save her... She was so sick... I feel so guilty!" Sakura cried even more. Ino hugged Sakura.

"You can't always save everyone. It sucks... I know. At least that child won't have to deal with pain anymore. It'll be happy in heaven. How about this. Why don't we invite our friends over and hangout!" Ino smiled. Sakura nodded as she struggled to stop crying.

"I... Have training tonight... I can't make it." Tenten mumbled.

"You aren't going ANYWHERE!" Ino said.

"A-Ah..." Tenten sighed. She tried to comfort Sakura while they were in Ino's room.

"God... gomen.." Sakura finally calmed down. She wiped her tears.

"Its fine! I also cried today too." Tenten said. Sakura looks at her.

"E-Eh... Long story. Ino can tell you." Tenten said.

"Guesss what!" Ino peeked through the doorway.

"Hinata, Neji, Shikamaru, Sai, Naruto, and Temari are all coming over!" Ino smiled.

"What are we even going to do?" Sakura asked.

"I got some fun ideas!" Ino smirked.

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Its breaking my heart >:/.

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