-Chapter 6- Feeling Weak

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2 Weeks Later...

"How close are we?" Tenten asked while she sat down. They were at a flat plains with dry grass. They were taking a break.

"Ehh.... we are somewhat near to the halfway... if we keep running...we should reach there in 4 weeks..." Neji said. Tenten sighed.

"Are you gonna eat?" Neji asked. He was munching on his dumplings. He had noticed Tenten hasn't touched her food at all.

"Mmm... probably not. I'm not hungry." Tenten mumbled.

"You should eat anyways. It's important to have energy." Neji said.

"Fine Fine..." Tenten said. She took a bite out of her dumpling. Tenten felt pretty yucky all the sudden. She then couldn't bring herself to eat anything.

"God..." Tenten held her forehead.

"Hun...? Are you alright?" Neji asked. He crawled up to Tenten and held her shoulder.

"No... I have a really upset stomach..." Tenten mumbled.

"Ah... here is some water." Neji gave Tenten a bottle of water. She refused. Suddenly Tenten got up and ran to a bush. Tenten then threw up.

"T-Tenten!?" Neji ran to her side. He unsure what to do. Normally he would get help but they were on a mission... Neji just rubbed Tenten's back and waited for her to be finished.

"You good now Tenny?" Neji asked. Tenten held her mouth. She nodded.

"God... Are you feeling alright? Are you sick?" Neji asked Tenten.

"No... I just... This was sudden..." Tenten mumbled.

"We can call it day and continue our mission tomorrow." Neji said. Tenten shook her head no.

"No... no... I'm fine... let's keep going..." Tenten softly smiled.

"Stubborn... Fine... but please. Don't push yourself." Neji sighed. Tenten nodded. They continued their mission and headed east.

3 Weeks Later...

Neji was seriously concerned for Tenten. She had thrown up far too many times. It was often in the morning. Tenten always looked tired and she often just wanted to fall asleep.

"Tenten... I think we need to stop." Neji said.

"No! I'm okay! I'm fine! Let's go! We are almost there anyways!" Tenten snapped.

"What the hell..." Neji never seen Tenten snap at him in a very long time. He sighed.

"I... think that's it..." Tenten panted. She stopped at a hill. Neji looked out in the distance. There it was. A somewhat large village.

"Yep. That's it." Neji said. He couldn't stop worrying about Tenten.

"Tenten... You've thrown up so many times..." Neji said. Tenten sighed.

"Yeah. I know. I'll go get myself checked out when we finish this mission. This should be the last stop right? If we get everything we need." Tenten asked. Neji nodded.

"Lets go get this done..." Tenten mumbled as she walked downhill. Neji followed. Once they reached to the entrance... A lady ran to them with tears.

"Oh please help me! Some people took my daughter away from me!" The lady cried. Tenten looked at Neji and they both nodded.

"Where?" Neji asked. The lady pointed to the group of people yelling. Tenten and Neji ran to the group. They took off their cloaks. Revealing they are Leaf Ninjas.

Tenten & Neji ~Protection~ Where stories live. Discover now