-Chapter 22- Venting

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Tenten woke up all... odd. She was still in pain. But... this was the different kind of pain. She felt. Sad. Useless. Hopeless. Depressed. She just felt like a burden to everyone. Tenten carefully left Neji's home without waking him up. She headed back home, flopping on her bed staring at the ceiling.

"I'm always getting hurt everywhere I go." Tenten covered her eyes with her arm silently crying. She couldn't take this pain anymore.

"I'm done! I can't keep doing this! I don't want to fight this anymore! I-I Give up!" Tenten cried. And cried. And cried for hours. Till she finally calmed down. The sun rose. Tenten stared at her kunai that was on the ground. She got up and picked it up. Holding it by her neck. She was about to strike herself till she heard a knock. Tenten snapped back into reality to realize what she was just about to do. Tenten fell on her knees sobbing. Speechless about what she had almost done.

"Tenten?! Are you okay?" Ino yelled.

"No... I'm not okay! Physically? Yeah I'm fine ish. Emotionally? No. I'm depressed!" Tenten yelled. Ino then sighed.

"I... I'm about to do something I might as well regret to do. Tell everyone i love them!" Tenten yelled. Ino's eyes widen.

"Hey hey HEY HEY WHOA WHOA !!! DON'T YOU DARE DO IT!!" Ino yelled as she slammed herself on the door trying to open it.

"There you are! Go get her! She is going to kill herself!!" Ino yelled.

"I must go. I won't be a burden. Nor will I bug anyone. My problems is always getting involved by everyone. I can't do shit for myself. I should go. I should leave. I should die."

Just as Tenten was right at her neck nearly cutting her neck, she felt someone grab her wrist. Her eyes open widely to see who had stopped her.


Tenten was hugged by Neji. Making her drop the kunai. She stood there unable to figure out her emotions.

"Tenten... why?" Neji voice broke.

"Why... Why would you even think about doing this? I wanted to do more with you. I want to be closer with you. I want to get married with you. I want to start a family with you. I want to die with you. Holding hands. Till the very end." Neji hugged tighter. Tenten began to get extremely emotional. She then let all of her emotions escape. She fell on her knees bawling loudly on his shoulder as she hugged Neji back.

"Let it all out... I'm here for you." Neji sat on his bum and caressed Tenten closely. Her hands had a grip on the back of his shirt.

"N-Neji Sama!" Tenten yelled. She sobbed uncontrollably. Not being able to calm down.

"We will talk later. Just keep crying till you feel better." Neji rubbed her back gently. He has never seen Tenten cry this much. Was she really in so much pain...?

2 Hours Later...

Tenten finally calmed down. There was few sobs and sniffs but she was able to now talk and actually form words into sentences. Tenten rested the side of her head on Neji's chest. Staring at the kunai she had used to almost kill herself. Neji noticed it and quickly kicked the kunai out of her sight.

"Neji..." Tenten sniffed. Neji rubbed her head.

"Tell me... what is wrong... what made you do something this extreme?" Neji asked. Tenten stayed silent for a moment. She then took a deep breath and started venting.

"Ever since the abuse with Guy. I've always been broken. Even before I joined the team. I had no family, no friends, no one. I've been... sad. And now that Guy was so mean.. he broke me one by one. Till I was no longer the Tenten people knew. Your younger self didn't help at all. I've wanted to do this long time ago till well... till after that cliff incident. You've... changed... and I've... decided to keep on going and see what happens but... I mean... I've loved every moment with you but God I feel like a burden. I keep getting hurt no matter what I do! I am useless okay?! I don't want to be alone again. I don't want to be hated again. I just. I just... I just want to be loved by everyone. I don't like this pain. Its been hurting me for years. I just want this to stop!!" Tenten broke down at the end. She sobbed again.

"Tenten. I won't stop telling you this. I'll make sure you listen to me." Neji grabbed Tenten's red puffy face and made her stare at his face.

"Tenten. You are the strongest women I've known. Yes there is Sakura who is strong but you? If you could you may as well destroy Konoha with just Summoning endless of explosion tags. That's how strong you are. Plus... your not a burden. You saved me. I was ready to give up but you gave both of us hope. You even made me so happy. I've thought dating was a waste of time... but God am I wrong. Its worth every seconds. Again... I want to be so much closer with you... like I said. If you need me... I'll be there to protect you..." Neji said. Tenten stared at Neji's face.

"Y-You really mean it...?" Tenten asked.

"Of course I do. Do you think I would lie to you about this stuff?" Neji smiled.

"Neji... I'm sorry... i... I won't do it again... ever." Tenten felt safe and... warm. She cuddled in Neji's hug.

"Does my sad panda need more love?" Neji scooped Tenten in his arms and carried her to the living room and rolled her up in blanket.

"N-Neji?!?" Tenten yelled. She was on the couch rolled up like a burrito. Neji turned on the T.V and gave Tenten a snack bag. He then hugged Tenten close as he sat.

"Happy?" Neji asked. Tenten was blushing.

"...yeah..." Tenten smiled.

"S Mission has been completed. Panda is now happy." Neji said, which made Tenten laugh.

"Neji...?" Tenten looked at Neji. He glanced at her noticed Tenten was pointing at her lips.

"Ah. I see." Neji smirked. He then kissed Tenten on the lips.

"Oh ho ho... if I've stayed longer... would you guys have made out while I'm here?" Ino snickered. Tenten yelled in embarrassment.

"Yeah yeah sorry. Really hate to ruin this moment but this is serious Tenten. We have to get you help if you had just tried to er... ah..." Ino was uncomfortable saying a certain word.

"Ino is right. You will need help. So you don't think about this. Kay?" Neji smiled. Tenten sighed.

"Kay..." Tenten mumbled.

"Alright. I'll leave you lovebirds alone, while I go fetch Sakura... slowly. With this damn crutches." Ino complained.

"Neji... can you... hold me closer...?" Tenten asked. Neji gladly held her closer.

"Thank you... I promise... when I'm not in pain... we will have so much... dates... love... fun moments together.... we will definitely bond much more." Tenten smiled.

"Sounds like a plan..." Neji smiled.

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