-Chapter 15- Relieve

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They had arrived to Neji's home. He opened the door.

"I'm home." Neji said. The maid walked up to him.

"Hello Neji. Do you need anything?" The maid asked. Neji looked at Tenten then back at the maid.

"I brought a friend. Could you make her some tea please?" Neji said. The maid bowed and headed to the kitchen.

"Neji let's have you take a warm bath. I can massage out your knots and sore spots." Tenten said. Neji sighed. He then lead Tenten to the bathroom. It was suprisely large. The bathtub was large too. Tenten was in awe. She then walked to the tub and turned on the warm water.

"You don't have to do this. I can do this myself." Neji said.

"Its fine. It's a gift from me for helping me with my fever. I can give so much more then that too." Tenten smirked. The bathtub was fully filled. Neji undress himself. Tenten did the same. They both got in the bathtub. It was relaxing.

"Kay. Tell me where its sore." Tenten asked. Neji held his shoulder.

"On my shoulder, neck... I think I have a knot on my side." Neji said. Tenten had Neji turn around and lean on the tub. She started massaging his sore spots. Neji groaned a bit. It felt great.

"Do let me know if it hurts" Tenten smiled. Neji nodded. He closed his eyes. Tenten did this for a while relieving Neji's sore spots. Then Neji suddenly turned around and hugged Tenten. She was very confused.

"I love you so much..." Neji said. Tenten felt his heart race. Her did the same. Neji then had his face in front of hers. He then kissed her on the lip. Tenten wrapped her arms around Neji's neck as she closed her eyes. Neji then stopped and stared at Tenten’s eyes as he leaned his forehead against hers. 

"Neji Sama..." Tenten softly said. She then kissed him. She licked his lips asking for entrance, which he gladly accepted. Their tongues danced as Tenten hugged Neji closer...

"Neji? Are you in there? You been in there for a while." The maid knocked on the door which had startled the couple. Tenten stopped.

"Yeah I'm fine." Neji said.

"Ah okay. Hinata was looking for you." The maid said. Neji sighed.

"Tell her I'll be out in a sec." Neji said.

"Will do." Then the maid left. Neji then got out. He threw towels at Tenten after he dried himself. The two got dressed. Before Tenten put her hair in buns, Neji grabbed her wrist.

"You should have your hair down more often. I think you look cute like that." Neji said. Tenten hair was suprisely long.

"I mean... We aren't out in public... I guess I can have it down." Tenten said. Neji smiled. The two walked out of the bathroom. They went to the living room.

"There you are. Hinata is out in the backyard waiting." The maid said. Neji nodded. Tenten followed him. They went outside. The backyard was beautiful. There was a small pond with lilypads, rocks surrounded it. The tree was big. There was a bench by the tree. Tenten was in awe.

"Neji!" Hinata smiled. She then saw Tenten and ran to her hugging.

"Oh good you look so much better. The fever finally went away I assume!" Hinata said. Tenten nodded.

"So what do you need lady Hinata?" Neji asked. Hinata sighed.

"You don't have to call me Lady Hinata... its embarrassing..." Hinata said. Neji chuckled.

"Oh right. Um... its actually really embarrassing... and I only feel comfortable telling this to you." Hinata blushed. Neji raised an eyebrow. Hinata then whispered into his ear. Tenten was curious.

"Eh? Why can't you ask the girls?"

"Its really embarrassing..."

"They had it before. I'm sure they would be more than happy to help you."

"I know I know... even so..." Hinata fiddled with her hands. Neji sighed.

"Tenten can you come here." Neji asked. Tenten walked up to the two.

"Whats wrong?" Tenten asked. Hinata blushed and stayed silent.

"Come on... Ten had it too." Neji said.

" I- I- I- I-" Hinata stuttered.

"I st-started my uh..." Hinata fiddled with her hair.

"I started my period!" Hinata said it quickly and then hid her face. Tenten sighed.

"That's all? Come on Hinata... It's normal for all girls. Besides you had it before right?" Tenten said. Hinata shook her head no.

"No... its my first one..." Hinata said. Tenten stared at Hinata in disbelief.

"Its... very late..." Tenten said. She sighed.

"Don't worry. I have some... er... girl stuff in my bag." Tenten said. She gave it to Hinata and told her how to put it on and what she should do with cramps.

"A-Ah... thank you..." Hinata said. Her face was red. Neji didn't want to hear this so he was by the door way and watched Tenten.

"She is gorgeous..." Neji thought.

"It's not a problem." Tenten smiled. Hinata then smiled a bit. She then ran inside.

"Everything dealt with?" Neji asked Tenten. She nodded.

"Hai." Tenten then sat next to Neji. He was thinking about something.

"So Neji..." Tenten leaned her head on his shoulder. Neji looks at her.

"So Tenny..." Neji smiled. He then remembered he was going to ask her something. He blushed slightly.

"Um.. Tenten. I want to ask you something." Neji said. Tenten then sat up straight and looked at him.

"Will... you go on a date with me?"

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