-Chapter 2- Why Is She Sick?

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(Well... well... well... guess who is back? Me! Yes. I'm kinda continuing this. Even though I'm working on 4/5 stories- ahem anyways... Enjoy.)

"Moma..." Aki coughed. Tenten caressed Aki's cheeks.

"It's okay... You will feel better soon..." Tenten smiled. Aki frowned.

"But... w-" Aki coughed. "Why do I keep getting sick?... is... there something wrong with me...?" Aki asked. Tenten was quiet.

"You had a long day. Get some rest... I'll wake you up for dinner..." Tenten kissed Aki's forehead and quietly left her room, closing the door.


Neji was home and he saw Aki in her bed. Tenten couldn't hold in her feelings. She hugged Neji sobbing.

"Take a deep breath... Take a deep breath... it's okay..." Neji tried his best to comfort his wife.

"B-But Neji... My daughter is sick... she might not become a ninja because of that... w-worse... h-her life span would be... d-decreased..." Tenten broke down.

"She will get through this... She is strong... so we just have to be strong for her..." Neji said. Tenten nodded a bit.

"O-Okay..." Tenten took a deep breath and stepped away from Neji.

"Would you like a massage...? Or a warm bath? Tea perhaps?" Tenten asked. Neji chuckled.

"I think I should be the one giving you these options." Neji swooped Tenten off the ground and carried her.

"N-Neji!" Tenten was startled by Neji's sudden movement.

"My panda is sad. I need to give it bunch of love." Neji layed Tenten on the bed and gave her bunch of kisses.


"Mom? Dad? What are you doing...?"

Neji and Tenten looked at the doorway. North was there looking at them.

"Erm... Kissing your mom...?" Neji nervously said. North giggled and jumped on the bed.

"What's up?" Tenten sat up while North sat on her lap.

"Can I get Aki a snack?" North asked.

"Aki is resting though. You can but please don't disturb her if she is sleeping." Tenten said. North smiled.

"Arigato mom!" North hopped off the bed and ran off. You could hear noise from the kitchen. Then a loud thud plus clanking was heard.

"I'm okay!" North yelled. Tenten chuckled as she got up from the bed. She went to the kitchen to see pots, pans, and lids on the ground. North was struggling to shove it all back in the drawers.

"Go give the snack to Aki, I'll deal with this." Tenten crouched down. North nodded and ran off to Aki's door.

"Aki!" North yelled. Aki was awake and was happy to see her little sister.

"Look what I got." North waved a cookie.

"Did you steal one?" Aki asked. North nodded.

"I tricked mama and papa so you can have a cookie." North gave the cookie to Aki, who ate it immediately.

"Arigato! Your the best!" Aki smiled. North giggled.

"Did I perhaps hear someone say cookie?"

Aki and North jumped. They looked at the doorway.

"P-papa! No cookie!" North showed her hands. Neji sighed with a smile.

"Uh huh..." Neji raised an eyebrow. He looked at Aki who had her mouth full. She had cookie crumbs around her mouth.

"Alright. I believe you." Neji smirked.

"Papa! Tell us a story!" North grabbed Neji's hand and pulled him inside, making Neji lean in since North was so short.

"Another one...? Haven't I told you so many already?" Neji asked. North and Aki giggled.

"Pretty please Daddy?" North begged. Neji sighed.

"Fine... what would you like to hear about?" Neji asked as he sat down with his legs crossed.

"How did you and mommy meet?" Aki asked before coughing. Neji chuckled.

"Oh god... its been a long time..." Neji groaned with a smile. Aki then saw Tenten at the doorway.

"Mom! Papa is getting old he can't remember!" Aki yelled. Tenten laughed.

"Yeah Papa is getting old." Tenten smirked as she sat down with Neji, who rolled his eyes.

"Well... Our teacher... put us on a team with Lee." Neji said.

"Lee? Metal Lee?" North tilted her head.

"Rock Lee." Neji said. "At first, Mom didn't like me... Because I was actually harsh and didn't like my team, because I considered my team... weak." Neji said.

"But boy was I wrong. I found out how strong Mom really is. She was strong, quick, and skillfull." Neji said. Tenten blushed.

"Eventually I fell in love with her, but again, Mom didn't like me... then everything changed when an accident occurred." Neji said.

"What accident?!" Aki yelled. Tenten shivered thinking about it.

"When mom almost died. It was a training thing we had where we were supposed to climb a mountain but, Mom was terrified of heights. Guy and Lee were racing, making a mess and knocking off the ledges, eventually one big one fell right on top of Mom... And... well... she fainted and I had to jump off the wall and literally land on my feet with her in my arms." Neji said. Aki and North had their mouth open.

"Whoa... Scary..." North said.

"And... at that time... I finally realized that Ne- Papa has changed into a kind but serious man." Tenten smiled.

"Kawaii!!!" Aki exclaimed. North stared at Neji.

"Papa... why do you have a scar... on your back...?" North asked. Neji sighed.

"Erm..." Neji rubbed the back of his head with his hand.

"He got them from the war... when we were fighting Madara and Obito. He... nevermind that... I'll tell you when your a little bit older." Tenten smiled nervously. Aki and North groaned.

"I'm going to go start making dinner. You three behave." Tenten smiled she was about to leave till she heard Aki call her name.

"Mom..? Dad..? Will... I die...?" Aki asked. Tenten and Neji stared at Aki. They both sat on Aki's bed.

"Honey... No you won't... not anytime soon at all. You will live for a very... very... long time. Don't worry about that... and certainly don't talk about that... it makes mommy sad..." Tenten said. She hugged Aki.

"Okay..." Aki smiled. She coughed again.

"Mom. Can I help out with dinner?" North asked. Tenten nodded. She picked up North and walked to the kitchen. Neji stayed with Aki having a fun conversation.

"Dinner is ready!" Tenten and North yelled. Neji came to the kitchen with Aki in his arms. The happy family ate their dinner, had laughter, smiles and funny conversations. Soon Neji and Tenten put Aki and North in bed.

Tenten and Neji was in their own bed watching T.V.

"Honey...?" Tenten said. Neji looked at Tenten.

"I love you. Goodnight." Tenten kissed Neji before getting under the covers.


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