-Chapter 10- Kiss me more (Lemon)

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Tenten struggled to sleep. She was horny. After everything she saw... she was trying so hard not to play with herself at a friend's house. She then couldn't handle it at all. She needed to go home. Tenten carefully packed her stuff and left Ino's home quietly.

"Finally... I'm definitely playing with myself when I get home..." Tenten thought. She headed home and everything was fine. The cool breeze gave her chills. The moon was a full one. Sky was clear. It was perfect.

"Hey you." Someone said. Tenten turned around to see a stranger behind her.

"Er... Do you need help?" Tenten asked. Suddenly the stranger had grabbed her neck. She dropped her bags as she struggled to free herself. She pulled out her kunai and was about to stab the stranger until his grip got horribly tight. She ended up dropping it. Her body struggled to breathe. The stranger wanted to choke Tenten to death. She was losing her consciousness slowly. Her eyes rolled to the back as she grasped for air. Suddenly someone had tackled the stranger, freeing her. Tenten fell to her knees holding her neck as she coughed and gasped for air. She then looked at the stranger. He had been completely knocked out. Then she heard a familiar voice.

"Tenten. Are you okay?!"

"Neji..?" Tenten coughed. She saw Neji held out his hand. She grabbed it. Neji pulled her up and grabbed Tenten's bags.

"We shall explain everything. But first let's head back to your house." Neji them swooped Tenten into his arm and jumped away to her house.

A few minutes later...

The fireplace was on. Tenten was sitting on the couch with her blanket wrapped around her. Neji then joined her.

"So did something happen at the sleepover?" Neji asked. Tenten then immediately blushed.

"I- I Er... Uh... I wasn't feeling well..." Tenten lied. Neji puts his hands on her forehead and cheeks.

"You feel fine. Maybe it's your dizziness again..." Neji said. He then took off the bandages that had been on her forehead for a week. He inspected it for a bit.

"Good. Its completely healed." Neji said.

"What is... Wait why did I even have that?" Tenten asked as she touched her forehead.

"You were bleeding from behind your head." Neji said.

"Ah. I see." Tenten said.

"What about you. What are you doing up so late...?" Tenten asked.

"I couldn't sleep. Figured taking a walk." Neji said. They both stayed quiet.

"U-Uhm... N-N-Neji... T-There is something... I uh... w-wanted to do..." Tenten blushed. Neji raised an eyebrow.

"Which is...?" Neji asked. Tenten blushed hard.

"I... want to do that... uh...mm....T-Th-Thing..." Tenten mumbled.

"What is the Thing?" Neji asked.

"Baka... I-I I WANT TO TRY S-S-SEX!" Tenten covered her face with her blanket in embarrassment.

"Kami... Neji must think I'm so weird..." Tenten thought. Neji then pulled the blanket off her head.

"We can try it if you are really okay with it..." Neji smiled. Tenten face became a tomato. Instead of words, she nodded her head. Neji then pushed her against the bed as he pinned her down.

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