-Chapter 14- Fear

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It was the 3rd Day. So far Tenten's fever has went down to 103. So the medicine was working now. Neji went to go check on Tenten. He sat on the bed. 

"Tenten..? Good Morning..." Neji said. Tenten didn't say nor move. Neji raised an eyebrow. He noticed she wasn't breathing. Neji gently patted her face. 

"Tenten? Hey. Ten." Neji said. Tenten wasn't waking up. Neji got scared. He then shook Tenten a bit. He then checked Tenten's pulse. There was nothing. His eyes got watery. He was in disbelief. 

"T-Tenten!! Ten! Hey! Wake up! This isn't funny! TENTEN!!!!!" Neji yelled. He then shook Tenten a lot. She was really dead... Or so he thought.

Neji woke up in his bed in sweats. He panted. It was only a nightmare. Yet its still scared the shit out of him. He quickly checked on Tenten. She was breathing. She looked so cute sleeping. He could tell she was getting better. Neji took a deep breath. Next thing he knows, Tenten's eyes were staring at his eyes. 

"H-Hey..." Tenten smiled. Neji smiled. He gave her a kiss on the forehead. 

"Your fever went down." Neji said. 

"Finally... Just a few more days and I'll be back to normal." Tenten smiled. She then noticed disturbance on Neji's face.

"Is- Cough COugh- Is everything alright?" Tenten asked. Neji stared at her.

"Yeah. Just had a bad nightmare." Neji sighed. Tenten then grabbed Neji's hand and stared into his eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tenten asked. Neji was silent.

"You don't have too-"

"I saw you in your bed. You were dead." Neji interrupted. Tenten stared at him.

"I'm worried I'll lose you. I don't know what I would do if you had suddenly died." Neji said. Tenten smiled. She then hugged Neji.

"I'll be fine. You worry too much Moon eyes." Tenten said.

"Moon Eyes...?" Neji raised an eyebrow.

"Well your eyes is just one color. Plus the color reminds me of the moon. Its a bright color... like its shining." Tenten smiled. Neji blushed a bit. He then smiled as he chuckled.

"What about yours? Hm... They remind me of Chocolate. The color. Plus you are really sweet." Neji said as he stared into her eyes. Tenten blushed.

"E-Er...." Tenten looked away trying to hide her red face. Neji grabbed Tenten's chin and made her face towards his face. He slowly leaned in. Till he got a face full of hand, pushing him away.

"Not yet. I'm still sick. I don't want you getting sick too." Tenten said. Neji groaned.

"But I'll be happy with a kiss on my cheeks." Tenten smiled. Neji then kissed on her cheeks. She smiled. Neji then remembered something. He had a serious expression. Tenten was curious.

"Tenten. I need to ask you something. This is important. Do you promise me you will tell the truth?" Neji asked. Tenten stared for a moment, Then she nodded.

"Kay. Is... er... Guy Sensei hurting you physically?" Neji asked. Tenten flinched. She looked down.

"I want to help. Please tell me..." Neji said. Tenten then nodded.

"Seriously...? How...so?" Neji asked. He was trying to keep his cool down.

"He... force me to do extreme training, if I don't do it or I fail to do it... he ends up beating me up telling me to defend myself and I try too... but he is so quick... he would pull my hair, throw me around like a ragdoll... its been like this for a while but it hasn't been this bad... honestly I'm used to it... you don't have to intervene..." Tenten faked her smile. Neji's blood was boiling. He was pissed indeed.

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