-Chapter 23- Therapy

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"Okay so Tenten. Tell me. Why have you been suicidal?" Sakura asked. Tenten was in the room with Sakura having a therapy.

"I... erm..." Tenten mumbled. She felt uncomfortable.

"I need to know so I can help you out. Would it make you feel better if you had Neji with you?" Sakura asked. Tenten nodded.

"I've told him everything about why I'm in pain... I don't want to repeat myself... I'll rather die- I mean..." Tenten sighed loudly. Sakura called in Neji who came inside the room and sat next to Tenten.

"You doing alright Panda?" Neji asked. Tenten was silent.

"She told me you know why she is in pain. Do you mind telling me?" Sakura asked. Neji nodded and had explained everything to Sakura about what Tenten said. She felt uneasy.

"Neji... no more..." Tenten said. Neji stopped talking. He held Tenten’s hand.

"I'm really sorry to hear that Tenten. I understand how you feel. I've felt useless. I've felt like a burden. But I kept on going. And I know you can too." Sakura smiled.

"Mm...k..." Tenten sighed.

"So far... your suicidal isn't critical. Neji is doing a good job with you. I think if we just have you be with other people... you'll be back to normal in no time!" Sakura said as she clicked her pen and wrote down stuff.

"A-ah... okay." Tenten said. Neji poked Tenten’s cheeks.

"Neji... wut are you doing?" Tenten raised one of her eyebrow.

"I've noticed your cheeks is surprising so soft." Neji rubbed Tenten’s cheeks.

"A-Ah..." It has made her blush. Sakura chuckled. She then frowned.

"Missing Sasuke?" Tenten mumbled. Sakura then fell into sadness.

"Yeup...." Sakura mumbled. She took a deep breath and lead Tenten and Neji outside.

"Come back tomorrow kay?" Sakura said.

"Hai." Tenten faked her smile. Neji then smirked and grabbed Tenten’s body and putting her on his back.

"N-NEJI WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" Tenten yelled as she held on Neji. He was giving her a piggyback ride.

"Giving a ride for my Panda Princess." Neji smiled. Tenten face went red.

"God... your smile is too much..." Tenten mumbled. Neji carried Tenten on the way back home till they had ran into Temari.

"TENTEN!!!!!" Temari had tears. Neji set Tenten down just so she can get tackled by Temari's hug.

"T-Tem?!" Tenten was confused.

"Don't scare me like that ever again..." Temari sobbed. Tenten then felt extremely guilty.

"I- I... don't... plan too... I'm sorry I scared you." Tenten hugged back.

"Baka... I know your struggling with a lot of things... but those are the things you gotta ask your friends for help!" Temari back up.

"I-I know but..." Tenten sighed. Temari wiped her tears.

"Its... okay... its not your fault. Its Guy's fault. He made it worst for you." Temari said.

"Speaking of Guy... has he been dealt with?" Neji asked. Temari shrugged.

"Tenten do you feel like going to training?" Neji asked. Tenten thought about it then nodded.

"I'll come with since Shikamaru is on a mission." Temari smiled.

"NEJII TENTEN!!!" Lee tackled both of them. Hugging.

"Its been a while since we trained! Ok ok Now can we spar Neji?" Lee was all hyped up as always.

"Not now. Where is Guy?" Neji asked. Lee pointed. There Guy was. Standing there under the tree. Glaring at Tenten.

"Ah..." Tenten felt uncomfortable.

"Well?" Neji looked at Tenten.

"Yeah... let's do the warm-ups-"

"Tenten!" Guy yelled. Tenten flinched. She shakily stared at Guy who walked up to her. She expected him to be rough with her.

"Er... Don't push yourself today..." Guy patted Tenten’s head. She was extremely shocked.

"Wh- huh?" Tenten was speechless. She then smiled.

"Hai!" Tenten yelled. She then began doing push-ups.

"4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... 11..." Tenten counted.

"1989! 1990! 1991! 1992! 1993! 1994!" Lee yelled. Of course he was already at his thousands.

"23... 24... 25...26...27...28.." Neji counted. Tenten was no longer being forced. She finally felt free.

"15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27!" Tenten yelled. She went faster. Neji chuckled.

"I won't let some girl beat me!" Neji then did his push-ups faster.

"Oh yeah? Let's see!" Tenten said.

"30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38" Tenten panted.

"32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40!" Neji panted.

"Never seen Ten competitive. This is indeed interesting." Temari smirked as she sways her legs while she sits on the branch.

1 hour later....

"98.....99..... 1-100!" Neji fell on his face panting.

"98! 99!... 100! 10...1!!!" Tenten yelled. She had successfully beat Neji. Tenten fell on her back panting.

"Want some water?" Neji leaned out his hand. Tenten grabbed his hand as he pulled her up.

"Hai." Tenten smiled. Neji tossed Tenten a bottle, which she drank immediately.

"So I beat yah. How does it feel to be beaten by a girl?" Tenten teased.

"Pretty good. Because that proves to me that your strong." Neji smiled. Tenten then looked away blushing.

"You are seriously so cute when you blush..." Neji played with Tenten’s hair.

"Oh? Am I just about to witness a kiss?" Temari watched.

"N-Neji?" Tenten blushed redder. Neji held Tenten’s cheeks. He leaned in close and kissed Tenten on the lips. Tenten wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh ho ho ho ho! This is so sweet... now I got something to tease about that is true! Hehe." Temari smirked.

"E-Eh?" Lee watched in disbelief. Neji broke the kiss as their forehead touches. Tenten giggled.

"God Neji your so adorable... you never fail to make me happy." Tenten nuzzle her nose. She then let go of Neji and looked at him.

"Well... shall we continue training... maybe even letting Lee spar you?" Tenten smiled. Neji sighed.

"Alright Alright Lee give me all you got!" Neji yelled. Lee was extremely happy. Tenten watched the two fight.

"I want to... marry Neji... when though?" Tenten wondered.

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