Chapter - 5

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*Dean's PoV*

I was on edge now. He was like he wants to run away. I couldn't let this chance go. I knew I'll definitely go crazy this time. I heard his words, and stepped forward. Thank god Team moved. Otherwise I had kicked him away this time for sure. Now I was standing next to him. I breathed. Filled my lungs. I was nervous to the death. And finally,,, I moved my eyes to him. And........

*Thump thump*

*Thump thump*

*Thump thump*

Every sound stopped....

My world froze...

Everything around me started to disappear...

Except that boy...

'breath.... Dean breath... You'll fall in front of him.... Breath...'

Even breathing is not important anymore.
How could someone be so breathtaking. He is a boy. Just..... A..... Boy.... *sigh* And I.... I never felt like this for a boy ever. Well, I never actually felt like this for a girl too. But I knew I had no interest in boys. Then..... Then why... Why I can't take my eyes away. He has small round face. His eyes are.... beautiful... Sparkling.... Soft..... Pure.... Innocent.... And watery!!??? He's.... He's gonna cry!!?? Why!? No... Don't look away... He's all red. His beautiful white skin is mixed with beautiful redish colour. It looks pinkish. Chubby cheeks he has. I wanna touch his cheeks. Stop yourself Dean. You can't do this. You'll scare him. *Sigh*

'We'll.... We'll take our leave now. Pham has important work to do. Enjoy the sandwich P'. Bye Team. See you later.'

I heard someone. Intouch? I guess. I couldn't see, I couldn't take my eyes away from him. Before I realised Someone grabbed his hand and pulled him away. I felt like someone is taking my soul away. I didn't know what to do anymore. Every part of my body was screaming. Asking to not take him away. I took a step but someone grabbed my hand. Why everyone is stopping me? Why? I looked back at my arm. Korn.....

My cousin stopped me. From stopping the one who was taking my everything from me. I nodded. I stopped myself but god know how hard it was. I looked back at the entrance where the boy who took my everything was leaving the entrance. Not even for once he looked back. He was rushing to leave with his friends. Leaving me like this.

I finally got the chance to see him, to talk to him, but..... *sigh* we'll meet again. For sure. Just thinking about it made me smile like an idiot.

'Dean???? Ae Dean!!!' Someone shook my shoulder. I looked back.... Win.....

'Huh!!!' Only words my lips could utter at that moment.

'What happened!!?? Why are you crying?'

'Huh!!! No... I....' I'm crying???? I touched my eyes.

'Let's go.' Korn told us while watching the freshers arriving.

'Someone was talking about not to fell for someone' This asshole never leaves a chance. I shook my head. But couldn't help. I smiled sheepishly.

'You fell so hard Dean. Hahahahahahahahaha....' Bastards. But..... Yeah. I fell so hard.

*Author's PoV*

'Bu.... But why me? P' Aum. Other can go too na.'

'Phaaaam. Everyone is busy na. Plus you have a friend there. You know swimming club members already. It'll be easy na.'

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