Chapter - 28

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In a blink, the wolves, the witches and the vampires were in Pham's house.

"I've searches everywhere guys. Its no use." Alex tried again.

"There will be something." Dean still was looking around, in the hope of a single clue.

"We checked everywhere. It looks like they left. By their own." Don said coming down from the stairs with Win and Manau.

"Still.... Something is wrong P'. I can't put my finger on it. But..... I don't know." In pressed his temples.

"Try to call him again." Korn said and Manau took her phone and called Pham.

The bell rang....

And they all could hear it.

They were in shock. They looked around and found the phone under the staircase.

"Its his phone." Del said picking the phone.

"If they left then why did he leave his phone here?" Boss asked.

Mean while In was checking Pham's phone. His eyes widened.

"I don't know who is this person , but someone sent him a boy's picture with a clear warning. Telling him to not act foolishly when they meet."

"A Boy's picture?" Dean replied.

"Show me." Alex reached out.

Now its his eyes' turn to popped out.


Confused others, reached him.

"This.... This picture...."

"Who is this boy?"

"Ph..... Phoom... Pham's younger brother... We thought dad killed him... How is this possible? He was..... He was alive.?.. O god..... But...." He put his palm on his mouth. But suddenly his eyes widened in fear. "SHIIIIT..... HE GOT PHAM....."

Dean's eyes widened. In fear and in anger.

"He got Pham. He'll kill him as soon as possible. And Pham... He.... He cant defend himself for so long."

"But he is a pure blood too. Then why he can't?" Boss asked in concern.

"Vampires need blood for the strength." Alex replied hiding his face.

"And Pham never took it in his system ever. SHIIIIT." In was loosing it now.

"Lead the way Alex. You know the place?" Dean asked ready to leave. Others stood with him.

"Guys its not that easy. He is not a normal pure blood. He has so many men on his side. Including dark witches."

"So we have witches on our side too. Plus who said we don't have quantity." Win gave a Smug smile.

"OK. You know where to go right. Lead the way. We all will leave right now. Del.... Go to home and explain everything and get hands as soon as possible."

"No the hell way. I'm coming too. Pham is my friend too. I was angry cause they hid the truth. I'm still angry. I'm gonna beat the hell out of him including these three here. But I'll leave it for later. I'm coming. And that's final."

"And who said you'll not be fighting. I want my best she-wolf with me ofcourse. I'm asking you to get help and reach us asap."

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