32 | Could help you study

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"Of course, the one time we get free pizza is when your mom is treating us." Benny complains. "The guy still has two minutes and 49 seconds." Ethan looks at his watch. "Pfft! Zero chance in that rust bucket. Which reminds me, limo or jet pack?" Benny asks him confusing me. "What?" Ethan and I say together. "Our ride to the Fly Off To The Moon dance. You know my pick, but do you think the chicks will dig a stretch?" Benny rants on. "What chicks?" Ethan asks making me point my finger at him. "He's right." I look up at him. "Jet pack it is." Benny looks back towards the window. "Benny, I think I'm out." Ethan tells him.

"What? We've gotta go. Party. Possible chicks. Jet packs." Benny shouts. "I don't know. Ever since we dug up the Cubile Animus... and Sarah got possessed and trashed the house... I've kind of felt like laying low." Ethan explains to him. "You can lay low when you're dead. These are the best years of our lives." Benny tells him. "Really?" I laugh. "I really hope not." Benny sighs. "Add another name to the Whitechapel's list of missing persons. Who is it? Stand by." The tv announces. "Missing persons? How about my missing pizza. I'm calling it in." Benny messed with his phone.

"I'm going to head home early." I get off the couch. "Why?" Ethan asks as Benny complains on the phone. "I'm tired and don't feel like eating pizza. Plus I have a lot of calculus papers that are due next week and I'm having trouble with it. I'll see you tomorrow at school." I give him a weak smile heading towards the door. "Okay, Goodnight." He gives me the same smile.


"Give it up, Benny." Ethan says as I approach them. "We were stood up, E. Now I have a gaping pizza-sized hole right here." Benny stuffs his face. "You guys hooked up for the Fly Off to the Moon dance yet? Know any honeys with a hot sister or a smoking second cousin?" Rory comes up to us. "Pfft! This guy's going stag. Gotta keep my options open, you know." Benny gets cocky. "Loser." Rory walks away. "He's right." I laugh. "You should ask Sarah." Benny points at Ethan. "Yeah.... you ask you know who first." Ethan walks away from us. "What...? I did the math. You've got like, a one-in-2173 chance she'll say yes. Also very funny not happening!" Benny shouts before walking off too.

"Hey Sadie." Jackson walks up to me. "Oh hey Jackson." I turn to him. "You got a date to the dance?" He asks me. "No, I don't know if I really want to go. Might just stay home." I tell him the truth. "Well, if you make up your mind... I'd like to go with you." He gives me a smile. "What if I said I'll give you an answer by before the dance?" I nudge him. "Then I'll be looking forward to a text message." He smiles handing me his phone so I can put my number in before leaving me so I go to catch up with the guys.

"Well, hello, Sarah. You ladies going to the dance tomorrow?" I approach them as they stop in front of the girls. "Not with you dorks. I'm off to the zoo, It's feeding time. Hey, are pandas still endangered?" Erica stops to ask us. "Yes." The four of us tell her. "Bummer." She leaves. "So you two off to some wild after-school dork-athon?" Sarah asks the boys and Benny nods his head. "No. For your information we're... Yeah. Chess club." Ethan sighs. "Oh, laser chess. And we gotta go before all the good lasers are taken." Benny points out. "So... You can come if you want." Ethan tells her. "Hey, I'm not that desperate. Besides, I have to study." She tells them.

"Studying for what? Vampire history?" Benny jokes. "Ha, ha. I missed so much class, Mr. G. says... I'll fail the whole semester unless I pass the makeup test on Monday. Have fun at your club." She walks off. "Ah. She's gotta relax. Count Dracula never had a degree, and he owned a castle." Benny says making me judge him. "You coming Sadie?" Ethan asks me. "Umm no, I think I'm going to hangout with Jackson. He asked me if I wanted to go to the dance with him tomorrow... See ya." I leave them but head off to a place where I can be alone.


"You seem out of it." Ethan laughs looking at Benny as they leave chess club. "I don't know what you are talking about... I'm fine." Benny shrugs his shoulders. "You seem more upset then you were about the pizza." Ethan nudges him, "I have a feeling it was about Sadie saying Jackson asked her to the dance." Benny glares at him. "They have nothing in common so what does she see in him?" Benny lets it out. "Benny, you have nothing in common with the girls you flirt with." Ethan stops to look at him. "I have a lot in common with Sadie." Benny pouts.

"Hey, Sarah? You okay?" Ethan asks as she walks in front of them. "I'm fine. Just studying too hard." She sighs. "Relax, you'll get, what, a million chances at high school? Who cares if you flunk this one?" Benny says making Sadie hit him as she walks up to them. "I care. I have things I wanna do in my life. You know, in case I get cured." Sarah lets out a sigh.

"Sorry, he didn't mean to

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"Sorry, he didn't mean to... You know..." Ethan tries to tell her. "Ethan could help you study. I mean, he's about as big of a geek as they came. Even for a freshman." Benny speaks up helping his friend out. "No he's right. Maybe you could quiz me?" Sarah asks him. "Sure, it's Friday, so you're coming to babysit Jane anyways, right?" Ethan tells her. "Thanks." She walks off. "Speaking of study... Benny can help you with your calculus you are having a hard time with." Ethan tells Sadie before leaving them alone.

"I...umm... Ethan!" Benny yells at him confusing Sadie. "You don't have to if you don't want too." She tells him looking down at the floor. "No, it's okay. You know I'm really good at it." He laughs. "Well thanks even though Ethan sorta threw you under the bus." Saide laughs. "I would have helped you anyways if you asked me for help." He steps closer to her. "I'll see you whenever... You let yourself in already, bye." She walks away from him. "Thanks a lot Ethan." Benny groans.

After school and it was getting dark outside, Benny headed over to Sadie's to help her. "She's up in her room Benny." Her dad tells him as he walks through the front door. "Cool, can I ask you a question first?" Benny walks over to Chris. "Sure, what is it?" He turns away from his laptop. "Does Sadie ever talk about a guy named Jackson to you?" Benny takes a seat next to him. "Umm no, only guys she ever talks about is you, Ethan, and Rory. Who's Jackson?" Chris asks him.

"It's a guy at school she thinks is cute. He asked her to the dance today." Benny rolls his eyes. "You don't like him?" Chris asks seeing that Benny wasn't fond of him. "Of course not he likes Sadie and they have nothing in common. He plays basketball and is a C student while she's an AB student and hasn't done sports since 7th grade." Benny leans back on the couch. "Bugs you that much huh?" Chris laughs. "Yes, and Ethan has to say I have nothing in common with the girls I flirt with... Well I better go help her with homework." Benny leaves Chris laughing.

"Your hero has arrived." Benny busts into her room. "Was starting to wonder if you were ditching me." She laughs as he jumps onto her bed. "Me ditch you? Never." He takes one of her papers to see what he's dealing with. "How are you having trouble with this? It's easy and you know that." He looks up at her making her sigh, "I know but lately I just can't focus on how to do it." She pouts. "Hey it's okay. What's going on?" Benny sits up asking her. "Just a lot has been going through my head... Having problems with my seer side and now I can barely do a simple spell." She runs her hand through her hair. "I'm sure you will be back to normal soon. Now we have work to do."

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