16 | You dog

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"Benny. Sadie. I think I'm changing. I chased a car this morning 17 blocks! I only lost it when it went on the freeway." Ethan runs up to us. "Would you relax? I checked in with Professor Google. You have to be bitten by a werewolf when it's a wolf for the curse to pass on. You just got scratched by David when he was in jock form." Benny explains to him. "Yeah, but he also got hit with your sp-," Benny puts his hand over my mouth. "Hey, Sarah." They both say to Sarah as I push his hand way.

"Hey. Your pal David's a real charmer." She closes her magazine. "Well, he is your ancestral enemy." Ethan snaps back. "Or maybe he's just a jerk." She points out. "Little Miss Neck Biter has trouble believing in werewolves?" Ethan gets defensive. "Whoa, whoa, Ethan, what's gotten into you?" Benny holds him back. "Who are the ancestral enemies now, huh?" He gives an awkward laugh as Sarah walks up to Ethan. "What'd you call me?" We just watch them."Whatever. Don't get your fangs in a twist." Ethan spits back making us split them up.

"So, um...moving on... That symbol you saw, I looked it up last night with he help from Sadie and get this. It's for a reversal cure." Benny gives him the paper. "A cure?! Does it work for other curses, like... a vampire curse?" Sarah asks us. "Why? Soccer team have a strict no blood sucker policy?" Ethan steps forward making Benny push him back. "It might work on other curses. David's probably trying to find it before the full moon tonight." Benny speaks again. "We're ditching class. You are helping me find this cure now. We... are not done." Sarah grabs Benny then Ethan growls at her. "Calm down boy." I grab his arm pulling him in the other direction.

After school I go home with Ethan to keep an eye on him. "So, bud, I've got a, uh--," I hear David as I walk down the stairs just as Ethan's parents leave. "Dude. I know that you're a werewolf, and I know that you're here after some kind of cure." Ethan tells him as I walk into the room. "So you do have the gift. I knew it!" David gets happy. "Or you're the most obvious werewolf ever. I didn't need a gift to see this. You know there's a pill for fleas now, right?" Ethan points out the obvious.

"All right, let's cut to the chase. I became your friend because I'm hoping your second sight might help me find the cure." David tells him. "All I saw was a symbol, but I don't know what it means." Ethan tells him making him whine. "Listen, it's the full moon, man! You want me to turn into a snarling beast?" He continues to whine. You have no idea how hard it is holding it in. I want to be me again. Try not to hurt people... and rip them apart... and crush their... twig-like limbs." Ethan leaves the room leaving me with him.

"Ethan, I'm going to your room!" I call out leaving the room because I didn't wanna be near David. "Sadie, we have a big problem." Ethan comes in and I see he started to grow hair on his face. "Oh sh-... Umm, yeah I got nothing to say other than this is Benny's fault." I say making him groan going to sit at his computer. "You think there's a spell for fleas?" Ethan asks scratching his head. "I'm sure there isn't." I say making him whine.

"Ethan? It... looks like you're in the trunk of a car. Are you? Are you trapped in a car trunk again?" Benny calls Ethan in the computer. "Benny, it's happening." Ethan says and I walk up next to him. "Ethan, we really need to know what this means." Sarah shows up the reversal cure. "It's a reversal cure so try looking at it backwards in a mirror." I tell her and she leaves the screen. "No, no, no. It totally does. A baharoth is, like, a magic circle of stones." Benny shows us his book. "We've seen that. In the park behind your house." I tell Benny.

"Ethan, whatever you do, do not tell David. I need to get there first." Sarah comes back to the screen. "David really wants that cure. He's not into the whole werewolf thing." He tells her. "Yeah, well, just keep a lid on it." She leaves for good this time making Benny talk to himself. "Is she gone?" Ethan finally turns on his lamp. "Oh, dude! Harsh!" Benny points out. "Thanks! Thanks for making me feel better!" Ethan says sarcastically.

"Oh, wait

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"Oh, wait. This might actually be my fault. That spell I hit you with, what if that's what's making you wolf out?" Benny starts to think. "Hey, I already said it was your fault. You weren't saying it right." I put my hands up. "Did you say it backwards... again?!" Ethan says getting upset." Oh, no. I made you a werewolf! I'll be right there! Just..." Benny runs off and Ethan's doorbell goes off. "Wow! Dude is fast!" I shake my head leaving the room.

"Now it's a party, because the party animal's here. It wasn't a party before I arrived, just so we're clear." I walk down the stairs to see a lot of people and Rory walk in. "Where's that hairy manimal of mine? Tonight he defies his werewolf nature and confesses his true undying love for me." Erica tells Jane. "You're weird." Jane tells her. "You're short." Erica bites back. "I'm eight. He's over there." Jane points at David. "Hey, manimal! I'm here!" She calls out to him.

"Where's Ethan? Hey! He's having party and he didn't tell me? You dog!" Benny says coming towards the stairs. "Ethan isn't having one. Because you lied to Rory he invited everyone over. Now come on, Dog boy is in his room." I tell Benny as we rush up to his room.

"Oh, not your vintage Galactitac sheets! You might pee on them!" Benny pouts. "Benny, just stay away, okay? The moon... I'm... changing!" Ethan can't control himself. "Okay, relax. I did this. I can fix it. All right? Corvus trigon..." Benny let's the light scan him. "I'm still hairy!" Ethan panics. "Okay, dude. Chill. You're cured. Trust me. The hair will fall out. Now come on. I gotta get you to the party and find the real werewolf." Benny unties him and I help. "What? Who's having a party?" Ethan asks confused. "You are. Now let's go find David." I tell him.

When we get to the basement to find David suddenly a werewolf tries to get me and Benny. That's when I look around for Ethan and don't see him but then see a dog with a bowl that says David. As Benny screams I try to say it's Ethan but no one listens to me. "Don't hurt me. I just want to make you famous. And me rich!" Benny tells him taking out his recorder. "Benny!" I slap his arm. "Use him like a chew toy!" Erica smiles. "I thought we were friends!" Benny asks her holding me beside him. "You ehh, but I am with Sadie." She says before Sarah shows up and we run.

"Hey, what's happening?" Rory comes down then see letting out a high pitched girl scream. "Bad dog!" Sarah gives him the cure. "How would you like it if I went around curing all of your boyfriends? Ethan?! Really?! Eww!" The werewolf turns into Ethan like I knew. "So not looking!" Sarah covers him up and I look away. "Where's David?" Benny asks and I point over at the dog. "That's David? Ugh. That is so lame." Erica pouts. "Great. Just what the internet needs. A cute animal video..." Benny points the camera at David.


"Hey. I just... wanted to say thanks for saving me. You know, you could have saved yourself. I... I didn't know you care so much." Ethan walks up to Sarah and me at her locker. "Don't get too excited. I thought you were David. Besides, you were about to eat your whole nerd squad and Sadie." She gives me a smile. "Yo. Get a load of us." Benny walks around the corner with David. "He's teaching me everything he knows about getting chicks." Benny can't stop smiling.

"It's true, but as I see he has one already." David looks at me making me shake my head. "Also not every guy can pick up a girl as beautiful as you." David smiles at Sarah. "Yeah?" She asks him. "You were ready to give up your cure for me. Let me thank you properly." He tells her and she grabs a toy out of her locker. "Fetch! Sorry, I'm not a dog person." She smiles watch him. "And Benny doesn't got me." I laugh making Sarah and Ethan laugh too. "And he never will because you are out of his league." She closes her locker linking our arms and we walk off.

Supernatural Squad | Benny Weir ✓Where stories live. Discover now