20 | Life Sized

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"Hey Sades, come here!" Ethan yells for Sadie as he hears her outside his room. "What geek?" She opens his door leaping on to his bed. "I've noticed lately that you and Benny are close." He wiggles his eyebrows making her glare at him. "No, it's more like he's being clingy at times. Which I don't understand because he never did it before. I have a feeling it's because of when I spilled to Betty that I felt like he didn't like me deep down." Sadie explains moving over to lay next to his side. "Guessing that happened when you acted like a girl." He joked making her pinch his side. "Yeah, he felt bad that I thought that he hated me because he doesn't." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"Well I'm glad you two are being somewhat close. I remember it took you two a whole year when you first met." Ethan laughs wrapping his arms around her. "Because he called him your best friend more than me when I knew you first." She whines as he picks his comic back up. "Hey, I told you that your were still number one to me." He smiles as he reads and she reads it too cuddling him. "Can you keep a secret like normal?" She asks confusing him. "Have I ever let you down?" He looked up from the comic. "No... but nevermind it's not that big." She lets out on awkward laugh.

"Dude, your parents are gone, and we have the run of the house. Well, except for your sister, Sadie, and Sarah, your babysitter. On that note, hey Sades." Benny comes into the room then smiles at Sadie. "Do you have any idea what this means?" He asks Ethan and Sadie tells them she's going back to the girls like she was before Ethan called her in. "Knights of Ninjutsu IV!" Benny shows off the game as Sadie shuts the door.

"I had to wait five hours in line for this puppy, and I had to pee the entire time! To stop me from peeing myself, I thought of Sadie calling me names if I did so..." He explains as Ethan took the game from him. "Well, this is going to be worth every bit of kidney damage and yeah she would make fun of you forever. Wait, why do we need the run of the house for this?" Ethan asks confused. "You know, so we can... yell and stuff." Benny explains. "You yell in here all the time. My mom is constantly telling," Benny cuts him off. "Do you want to play or not?"


"Debbie's my favourite, and now she's ruined." I see Jane hold Debbie as I come back from the bathroom. "I'm sure I could fix her with some tape or something." Sarah tells her. "Then can we have a dance party?" Jane asks excited. "Uh, sure. What else am I gonna do till your parents get home?" Sarah says as her phone rings leaving us. "Don't worry, we will fix her." I says as my dad calls me so I leave too.

"You have any idea how to fix her doll?" Sarah asks me as I end the call with my dad. "Not really. I mean I can look for a spell in Benny's book. I don't know one off the top of my head." I say was we walk back to Jane's room. "Hey, Jane." Sarah opens the door and we see Debbie as a a person. "Hey, look what I made." Jane smiles holding Debbie's hand. "Hi! I'm Debbie Dazzle. Wanna play?" She asks us. "Ethan! You're gonna want to see this!" Sarah and I call him at the same time.

"What the heck is that?" Ethan asks as all of us stare at Debbie. "That is a life-sized Debby Dazzle. I think I had a dream about this once." Benny tells him causing me to look up at him weird. "Jane, can I talk to you for a minute?" Ethan moves to go talk to Jane and Sarah goes with them. "You had a dream about a doll being life sized?" I chuckle making him give me a dirty look. "Let's have ice cream and go to a roller disco dance party." Debbie speaks up and Benny agrees.

"No parties. We need to turn her back into a doll." Ethan tells us. "No, I don't want to go back. It's so boring. I want to have fun. I won't go back. I won't!" Debbie snaps at him. "Don't worry, Debbie. I won't let them change you back. I promise." Jane goes back over to her. "Oh, goodie! Let's celebrate. Cupcake dance party!" Debbie says making Benny get excited making me judge him.

"Find a way to undo this

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"Find a way to undo this. Now!" Sarah gives him back the book. "Ugh! It's not that simple. I think Jane used a different spell. Or different words... I can't reverse it until I know the exact spell." Benny tells Ethan. "Just... find the spell. Fast." Ethan leaves us. "Oh, so you get to go to the party. That's fair!" Benny says upset. "Are you really upset you can't be with them. Wow, you are so childish." I laugh turning to leave but he stops me. "You can help me." He holds my arm. "Nope, this is all in you." I leave the room.

While Benny looked for a spell to put Debbie back, Sarah, Ethan, and I just watch Debbie bake. "Whoa, this IS a cupcake party!" Benny walks is to the room joining us. "Did you find anything?" Ethan asks him. "I've got good news and bad news. Bad news: I couldn't figure out the spell. Good news: I'm on Level Two of Knights of Ninjutsu IV!" Benny says excited. "You've been up there for an hour!" Sarah snaps at him. "It's a hard game." I shake my head at him.

"Mmm! Lemon swirl." Debbie shows us making Sarah tell her no. "Ooh, I'll take a lemon swirl." Benny takes one as I watch him. "I can't." I turn away from him. "Oh, no. Look at your clothes. I know just what we should play next. Debbie Dazzle fashion show!" Debbie says as Jane rushes ahead of her. "Are... are you okay? Ah!" Ethan asks her as she bends over in pain, and it looks like he was having a vision. "I'm fine. Great, in fact. Let's go have some fashion fun." She walks out with Jane.

"Whoa..." Ethan gets dizzy. "Whoa. What happened? What did you see?" I ask him. "I had a vision. Debbie needs life energy to stay in human form. She absorbs it through contact. If... if we..." He almost falls. "Whoa, easy, buddy. She must have drained you a little." Benny helps him stay up. "Wait, maybe if we keep her away from people, she'll turn back into a doll." Ethan suggested. "Let's hope." I say as the doorbell rings.

"Yeah! The fun starts now!" We open the door to see Rory. "Rory, now's not the best time." Ethan tells him. "Wait, you're not gonna invite me in?" Rory asks not believing them. "Sorry, the fun can start later." Benny tells him grabbing the door. "Sorry, Rory." I say as Benny shuts the door on him, "Aw, come on!"

"Is this what girls usually do with their dolls?" Benny asks as we watch Debbie and Jane. "You don't do this with yours?" I ask looking back at him as I stand next to Sarah. "Those are action figures." He glares at me. "Same thing but for boys." I smile as he crosses his arms. "We have to get her alone." Sarah cuts in. "Hey, Debbie. Guess what? I just found a bunch of... uh, things that girls say go with shoes." Ethan lies to her. "Ooh, I love accessorizing." She says following Ethan and we smile at her as she passes us before Benny and I follow behind.

"Right in here. Go crazy." Ethan lets her into his room. "But, I don't see any-. Ah! Hey, let me out! I want to play! You two are real party poopers!" Ethan slams the door using a jump rope to keep the door close. "What about the window?" Benny asks. "We've on the second floor. It's not like she can fly." Ethan says like Benny was dumb. "I think we sure go clean up Debbie's mess before your parents get home." I wrap my arm around Ethan making us do downstairs.

"Jane's out like a light." Sarah comes in as we were cleaning. "Great. Now we just have to convince her she dreamed the whole thing." Ethan says as his parents show up. "Hello, we're home! Hello?" Ethan's dad calls out. "My parents! Can you go stall them?" Ethan asks her as we quickly clean more. "You going home now?" Ethan asks me as we finished up. "In a second. I left my jacket in your room." I say as we walk to the stairs.

"You think her batteries have run out by now?" I ask with Benny. "Probably, but we should still-," We see the rope off the door. "Is it... too much to hope that... she ran out of juice climbing out the window, and maybe fell into the compost?" Benny asks as Ethan and I see his parents as dolls. "Ethan, what's wrong?" Benny turns to look at us. "Mom? Dad?" He picks up the dolls. "I'd say she's now running on a full charge."

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