23 | Evil Negative

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I don't know how many times Benny had randomly showed up in the halls still acting weird. Really I didn't know if he was just pulling my chain and seeing how far he could push me. Or if he literally messed up on a spell because he's done something similar trying to make himself badass. "You can't keep trying to hid from me." He was there as I turn a corner. "Benny, what are you getting out of this?" I ask crossing my arms. "Hopefully you." He tries to wrap an arm around me but I move away. "Okay, that's enough. Whatever you are doing you win. Can you stop now?" I beg him. "I will when I get you. See you around, babe." He walks off as I go look for Sarah.

"You look out of it." Sarah laughs as I walk up to her. "It's Benny... He, umm, I don't even know." I lean against the lockers. "What did he say?" She asks. "Not just want he said but what he did earlier. Still calling me babe, hitting on me which I told him to stop practicing on me, and he said that he wasn't. I asked him if he was sick and he said love sick, so I told him to go home and he told me to go with him... if I know what he means. He pushed me up against a locker and leaned in super close to my face before walking away."

She just looked at me lost, "That's extra odd for him." I nod my head. "He keep randomly popping up just to stare at me and ask did I make up my mind. So I keep trying to hid and not run into him or Ethan. Knowing them they will come see you soon so I gotta get going." I say rushing off from her.


"If you hit on me again, I'm gonna hit on you, but not in the way you think!" Sarah grabs Benny. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, if you're gonna punch me, don't I get to have fun annoying you in the first place?" Benny asks confused. "Whoa, okay? Sarah, let me guess: You saw Benny today, and he was a complete jerk." Ethan asks her. "Yeah! But even more than usual." She crosses her arms. "No time to explain- magic camera, Hannah invented evil twins, we gotta destroy the negatives before more evil twins-ugh! I stop Hannah. You guys find Benny." Ethan says rushing off.

"You heard the man, let's go." Benny tells Sarah. "Have you seen Sadie?" He asks her. "Oh Umm about that... Yes, she just ran away from me because she knows you guys were going to talk to me at some point. Benny, I think you should know something." She says making him stop walking. "What? And why did she run off?" He asks confused. "The evil you keeps hitting on her and she doesn't know it's not, you know, you you." His eyes widen. "Hitting on her? Like... how?" He asks nervous. "You keep calling her babe and basically trying to get her. Oh, you also pushed her up against a locker leaning closer to her."

"Evil me is doing that?!" He runs his hands through his hair. "Do you actually like Sadie?" She asks making Benny walk off. "We gotta stop him before he makes this worst for me!" Sarah jogs after him. "So you do like her." He glares at her. "I'm starting to like her again like when I first met her, okay. Now can we find me or either her?" Benny begs her. "Wherever Sadie is he will be there. Trust me, she said you won't leave her alone till he gets the answer he wants.


"Oh babe, the person I wanted to run into." Benny says running past me then backs up. "What now?" I ask as he takes a picture of me. "What the?" I ask as he takes a hold of my hand. "Now I'll have my best friend and my girl." He chuckles making me groan. "Benny, please just knock it off. Also where are you dragging me to?" I ask as I see he's going to the boys restroom. "Wait, isn't that your grandma's camera. The one that makes an evil version of people?" I ask as he lets go of my hand smirking at me.

"Well that explains how you've been acting." I start to laugh. "I'm surprised, when I touched you earlier you didn't get a vision." He walk towards me. "Well I'm having some problems at the moment." I back up hitting the stall as he grabs the top of the door above my head. "So now that you know the truth about me... How do you feel?" He rest his forehead on mine. "The Benny I know... wouldn't be like this because his good side knows what's wrong." He smirks, "Very true, why do think I'm the one to make a move on you? He's too scared and thinks it's wrong to like you. He doesn't want to but this side of me wants too. I find it fun liking a best friend because of everything is at risk."

Supernatural Squad | Benny Weir ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن