60 | Under a spell

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"YOU LET VICE PRINCIPAL STERN TAKE THE LUCIFRACTOR? WHY DID YOU BRING IT TO SCHOOL?! I shout at Ethan as we head to the Vampire Council. "It's just sitting in his office." Ethan says and I got to hit his arm but Benny hold me back. "What is your problem?" Benny tries to calm me down. "You idiots let a very powerful weapon against vamps out of our sight! My mother told me she's tried looking for it to get rid of vampires in the past when she hates them." I explain to them as we show up and go see Anastasia.

"The Lucifractor was confiscated by your schoolmaster?" She gets mad

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"The Lucifractor was confiscated by your schoolmaster?" She gets mad. "It's just in his office. We'll get it back, easy." Ethan tells her. "And, technically, he's our vice schoolmaster. So..." Benny says making me glare at him. "Right. Yeah, which makes it even easier." Ethan adds. "The Lucifractor is the greatest threat we vampires have ever faced. You have one day to get it back, or we will raid that school. And you don't want that." She sits down. "So that's a threat." Benny whispers as we leave. "It's okay. Stern won't be any trouble." Ethan says and I laugh at them. "I bet he will."

"Oh, c'mon. It's gotta in be here! Have you looked under L for Lucifractor?" Benny asks as they look for it. "I don't see it and why are you not helping?" Ethan asks. "Because I Didn't Get It Taken Away!" I shout at him. "But I found our alien DNA detector guards! And our psionic helmet. And the eye of Zartak. I never realized how much of our magic stuff Stern's taken away from us." Ethan tells us. "Dude, I found it." Benny open a cabinet. "The Lucifractor?" I ask him. "No, better. My Forever Flask! Infinite root beer!" He drinks it making me close my eyes taking a deep breath in. "Benny, that's not what we're looking for." Ethan tells him "Really... What are you looking for?" Stern shows up.

As we leave passing him I bump into him getting a vision of him in the cloak with the Lucifractor

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

As we leave passing him I bump into him getting a vision of him in the cloak with the Lucifractor. He glares at me as I stare at him trying to process what I just saw. "Your nerd pile will sit in my office until the end of the year. And you will sit in detention until-the sun dies. Now get to class. Young lady a word, follow me." He tells me and I look at the guys scared. "Guys he's-," Stern calls my name and I follow unwillingly.

"Your mother is Maria Lopez, correct?" He asks me as I walk by his side. "Yes. Now what do you want because I know I'm not following you because I want to." I tell him. "Very well, I know you know the truth and I can't have you telling your nerdy friends. I also need one of your mothers books I gave her during a convention. I sorta need it to wipe out all the Vampires in Whitechapel. I will not have you stopping me." He turns to face me. "As if." I laugh then have powder blown in my face and hear him mumble a spell. "Now remember to get me that book and get to class." He leaves me so I head to class.

Supernatural Squad | Benny Weir ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ