24 | Love Potion

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"I'm not gonna do it, Benny." Ethan tells him through the computer screen. "Come on. I'm trying to help." Benny tells him. "I don't need help. Look, I have my lucky slacks, a clean shirt, and a fresh battle of cologne." Ethan fixes his shirt the right way. "Dude, you have absolutely no game." Benny leans closer to the camera. "Tsk. And you do?" Ethan makes his point. "No, but my dad is currently on the dating scene... which means that I have unrestricted access to this: Be A Man Magazine." He shows Ethan the magazine. "Fine but use that towards Sadie because you suck." Ethan takes a seat.

"Fine, whatever. Now, I'll pretend to be Sarah." Benny tells him. "This is stupid." Ethan sighs. "Just do it." Benny demands. "Okay. Hey, Sarah. What's up?" Ethan goes along. "Oh, hey, Ethan. I'm just hanging out, you know, shopping and stuff." Benny fakes a girl voice. "I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to go see... the new Galaxatack movie with me an Saturday." He asks. "You and me? Like on a date? No." Benny tells him. "Hey, I thought you were supposed to be helping me." Ethan sighs.

"I am. What if she says no? What, are you just gonna give up?" Benny asks his friend. "Mm. Yeah, probably." Ethan agrees. "Wrong answer. Close the deal. Convince me. Make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. Be a man. Be my man." Benny tells him. "You should really listen to yourself." Ethan says before going.

"Oh. I'd really like to go an a date with you. You and I have this connection that's really special. I feel like there's some cosmic reason we were thrown together." He tells Benny. "That's beautiful, Ethan." Benny tells him. "Plus, you are, like, really pretty." Ethan says before hearing his dad scaring him.

Oh! Ha. Uh... I have hockey tickets tonight. I thought maybe you and Benny would wanna come along. So I'll just leave them here." He says awkward. "Dad, this is not what it looks like." Ethan tries to explain. "Yeah, I'm teaching him how to be a man." Benny speaks up. "Okay. Oh, your cage thing arrived from that Warlock movie that you love. It's in the back." Ross says before leaving. "The Cage of Eternity Sweet. That thing's a chick magnet."


"I can't believe they shipped your Eternity Cage without the key. How are we gonna play Warlocks Phantasm?" Benny says as the walk. "Benny, keep it dawn. I'm trying to attract a girl, not the whole Chess Club. Okay." Ethan shushes him before spraying himself. "What is that?" Benny asks confused. "This? Harmonio. It's musk. Supposed to tap into a woman's primal nature." Ethan explains. "It's definitely manly. Like wrestling team laundry bag manly." Benny says looking at the musk.

"Okay, here goes. I'm just worried she'll laugh in my face." Ethan tells Benny. "She probably will. Uh... It gives you one less thing to worry about, right joking?" Benny tells Ethan as he walks away. "Mm. Taps into a girl's primal nature, huh?" He pulls out his spell book. "Love potion. Blam! I am about to increase your odds by 5000 percent. And mine too since I'm scared Sadie might not like me back." He smiles before reading the ingredients.

" He smiles before reading the ingredients

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"All right, tannis rant, cumin... Excuse me, ladies, do you know if the biology lab has any sea slugs?" He asks a group of girls. "Ew. Go ask one of your loser friends." A girl laughs. "Okay, I don't need the slugs. Just their urine." He tells them before going off to get the slugs. "Hard to believe this is all you get from just ten slugs. Medicadus armanak, slagor slaban! Booyah. An entire team of chemists can't do the job of me." He smiles putting a dusk label on it.

"Strike out?" He asks while he was at his locker. "Chickened out." Ethan tells him upset. "That was my second guess. Don't worry. DJ Benny B's spinnin' mad spells all night lung." Benny tells him. "What are you talking about?" Ethan ask not understanding him. "A simple concoction... of your dad's cologne, some of our pheromones... and the pee of a couple of ticked-off slugs. Voila! Love Potion number Ben." Benny tells his showing the cologne.

"You can't always resort to... Wait. How did you get my pheromones?" Ethan asks him but Benny shush him. "Shh. Target acquired. Hey, ladies. What do you say? Benny calls them. "Drop dead, geek?" Erica tells him. "Easy, babe, easy. Also have any of you two seen Sadie?" Benny tells them. "Hey, nothing personal. I just don't hang out with dorks and no she's at home." Erica walks past him. "She had an doctor's appointment." Sarah tells them.

"I just wanted to see if Sadie wanted an sample of this new Dusk Perfume

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"I just wanted to see if Sadie wanted an sample of this new Dusk Perfume. It's supposed to make even undead people smell like flowers... and other girly stuff." Benny sighs as Erica walks up to him. "Can I try it? If I like it she will." Erica begs him. Even though he would like Erica to like him too he wanted Sadie more. "No, thanks." Sarah tells Benny. "Oh, please. Just one little spritz?" Erica pouts. "Okay." Sarah says making Erica take it out of Benny's hand making him slightly panic.

"Hey, there, handsome." Erica leans up against the wall. "You're talking to me. In school." Benny tells her. "There's other things I'd like to do in school." She grabs him kissing him. "You know what I love? All your striped shirts. They just scream, I'm good at calculus." Erica tells him. "He actually is really good at calculus." Ethan points out. "That is so hot." Erica says. "Oh, poo. We have to get to class. Will you miss me?" Erica pouts at Benny. "Bye. Bye." Erica blows kiss at Benny. "Oh, oops. Almost forgot. Here you go." Erica tosses the cologne back.

"What just happened?" Ethan asks. "Erica kissed me." Benny tells him. "Sarah called me cuddle bear." Ethan smiles. "Oh no... Sadie. I wanted her to to try it. I mean, it's cool I get Erica but... I wanted Sadie since I'm too scared." Benny starts to realize what happened.


"Dad, why has my seer side been acting up?" I ask as we leave the special doctor's. "I don't really know. Like he told you, it's rare for a witch to be a seer too. They are two different paths and you have both." My dad looks over at me and I sigh, "So what's going to happen? I loss one or both my paths... or do I randomly get a lot of power getting better?" He parks the car in the driveway. "I don't know baby." He says as my phone rings.

"What up Rory?" I answer his call. "Hey, I know you are better at the magic stuff so I was wondering do you have any more of the magic potion left?" He asks me as I get out of the car. "Magic? What magic potion Rory?" I ask confused. "You know, the one you gave the guys to make all the girls at school fall in love with them?" He says and I tell my dad I'm going to Evelyn's house. "No, I don't Rory. And listen to me, that potion is bad. The girls may love them now but give it an hour and they'll try killing them. I gotta go." I end the phone call.

"Hey dear." Evelyn says as I show up. "I have some bad news... I just got a call from Rory, who asks if I had any magic potion left to help with girls to love him too." I cross my arms. "He didn't." She crosses her arms too. "Oh, he did. They get home soon." I smile at her.

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