61 | Shall they parish

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"Okay. You know what? Enough is enough. Dude, we have gone up against all kinds of crazy stuff before, and we always win. Well, basically, most of the time we almost lose, but that's not the point. The point is, you're the guy who pulls it together every time if it's not Sadie, who is basically IMA in her own body. So pull it together!" Benny has enough yelling at Ethan. "I just talked to Erica. She didn't sound like herself. She's leaving town with Rory, and the entire Vampire Council's running." Sarah comes back to the room and I start to feel this odd feeling.


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"Ethan... We need your help. If we can't stop Stern, who knows what's going to happen to us." She goes over to him. "Look, I can't let anything happen to you guys. Your grandma said that I had to find something stronger than fear. I think I did and it might help pull Sadie back. Here... Grab Sadie's hands too." He tells us and I take Benny's and Sarah's hands then feel something. "Sadie!" I hear Ethan's voice in my head. "Ethan!" I scream for him. "You need to break that wall down yourself. I know you feel Benny and Sarah energy. We need you back, I need my best friend who's like a sister, Sarah needs her one of her best friend who she trusted as soon as she found out you were a witch, and Benny needs his best friend who is girlfriend... who he loves to death."

"I'm okay, as long as I don't let the fear through. Sadie?" Ethan's says as we all let go of each other. "We can do this." I smile at him being myself again. "We're on our own against Stern." Benny speaks up. "Well, then I guess someone's banishment can't really be enforced." Ethan pulls out his phone and Benny turns to me. "Are you back?" He asks causing me to wrap my arm around his neck pulling him into a kiss. "Like I said before, couldn't ask for a better answer." He hugs me tight. "When did I miss all of this?" Sarah asks shocked. "The same day Ethan asked you on a date." I laugh at her face. "We were arguing over how I never asked her in a date so I said I'll do something better than asking her on a date. So I asked her to be my girlfriend." Benny explains to her.

"Guys, don't freak out

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"Guys, don't freak out. I've thought it over and this is our best shot, okay?" Ethan's tells us and Jesse walks in. "Sarah!" Ethan's shouts as she hisses at him. "You three aren't very happy to see me, I can tell." He tells us. "You bit my best friend!" Benny and I shout at him. "And you made me suck out the venom when you knew what it would do!" Sarah shouts at him. "And I'd love to be sorry about that, but you all know I've done much, much worse." He tells us.

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