19 | LARP

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"This episode is gonna be awesome." Benny says as we all watch Doug from his van. "This is bad." I flick the back of his head. "Uh, hey, let's not say things we can't take back." Rory says. "There's an audio feed." Benny turns it on. "Okay, Makowski, we're going live with this, but it better be ratings gold. We're interrupting Biggest, Bravest Babies." Doug's producer tells him. "This is huge, Jerry. The world's first televised vampire kill. This bloodsucker's dead-
again!" Doug let's him know.

"Guys, we gotta do something." Ethan tells us. "Do you think Doug would... kill Sarah?" Benny asks. "Even if he doesn't, the whole world's gonna know she's a vampire. This town will be crawling with guys like Doug. Plus, spooky government scientists." Ethan says. "What do we do? Doug's our hero, and... I don't want to use any of my arcane power to rip his soul from his mortal form." Benny says making me laugh.

"Yeah, good thing you're bad at magic." Rory says and I agree with him. "If Doug wants a show about vampires, we'll give him one." We rush back inside and grab a few things for our little show for Doug at the warehouse. "Okay, I got the things for Sarah to put on when she shows up." I come down the stairs. "Great, I'll text Sarah to meet us at the warehouse. Hopefully this will work." Ethan says as we head out.

"Come here my little werewolf." I call Ethan over to help him get into his character. "I would say if we weren't on a time limit, make the makeup look believable but we aren't so." Ethan says so I get what he meant. "God this is awful." I laugh making it look like he had big eyebrows with bushy eyebrow wigs. "Yeah..." Benny watches me as I start to just draw lines in his face for fur I guess. "Okay, switch with Benny and go put on your wig." I pull Ethan up the push Benny down.

"You want me to put your teeth in or are you going to do it?" I ask him and he tries himself but almost puts it on the wrong teeth. "Let me help you. My hands are clean so don't worry." I tilt his head back some so I can see his teeth. "There fangs done and now the makeup." I tap the tip of his nose before touching up his face and making his eyebrows look dumb too but not as bad as Ethan's. As I worked on him Benny's eyes were glued to me the whole time. "You're touching my lips." Benny leans his head back. "Yeah, I need to make you look sorta dead. Stop complaining you baby."

"This is by far the weakest fight preparation in the history of showdowns." He says as I make sure part of the wig blends in with his forehead and with his real hair I styled. "We're not gonna fight Doug; He needs to think he was wrong about what he saw, so we're gonna put on a show like something out of those Dusk novels." Ethan walks up next to me as I finish. "Oh, there's Sarah. Okay, go get into position." They bump fist so Benny, Rory run off.

"Hey." Ethan says. "I'd... laugh at you if I didn't want to bite someone's face off." She tells him. "Here. Put these on." I hand her fake teeth. "I have my own, thanks." She looks at us weird. "They need to be fake. Trust me." Ethan tells her. "And this." I give her the snuggie. "Is this some sort of blanket?" She looks at it. "With sleeves." He smiles at her. "And... here's your tiara too." I hand it to her. "Ethan, what are we doing?" She asks confused. "What geeks do best. Live action role-playing." He runs off .

"Okay, now I'm scared." She says making me laughs "It's to get Doug to back off so we are going to act out something like a Dusk novel. Just play along because I can't stand that man and I want him to hurry up and leave." I roll my eyes putting the tiara on her head. "You hate him too? I thought you liked him like the dorks." I shake my head, "Heck no, can't stand him and his dumb show. Just, come on." I pull her with me.

As Doug shows up I use the spell Benny told me to say which was triggerus chillius, I thought he was pulling my leg for a good minute. On cue Ethan goes out, "Holy cow! A werewolf! Frozen!" He tries to shoot Ethan. "You trespass, human, on ground that is not yours." Ethan tells him. "I'm tracking a vampire, your eternal foe!" I cringe at him as I watch hidden. "You track my forbidden girlfriend?" Ethan asks as Benny joins him, "And my future vampire wife." The acting was killing me deep down.

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