5 | We're the menu

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"Good luck cleaning up this before your folks get home." Sarah says as we walk through the house looking at the mess. Ethan says it's nothing which he's not entirely wrong because they've made bigger messes in the past. Sarah explains that she has to get going and hopefully can make it to Jesse's before midnight. "Sadie, you wanna come?" She asks, opening the door. "Yeah, guys just stay inside where it's safe." I tell them following Sarah and they nod their heads as I shut the door.

"So is there like something going on between you and Benny?" Sarah laughs as we walk. "No, why do you say that?" I ask her. "Just seems like you two have something going on." I shake my head, "Nope nothing. I don't even like him like that and haven't thought about liking him like that." I explain to her. "Why not?" She asks as a car pulls up to us. "Excuse me ladies, can you tell us where the vampire party's at?" Ethan leans out the window making me laugh as Sarah talks to him.

Ethan gets out to sit in the back with me while Benny slid over for Sarah to drive. "So you're a witch?" Ethan says breaking the silence in the car. "Tada... Remember how I went to go visit my mom over the summer?" He nods his head and so does Benny, turning to look back at me. "Well I only went so she could teach me things my dad can't teach me. She almost made me stay for the whole school year too because at first I didn't try hard. Hearing that made me kick myself in the ass so I could come back home." I explain to them as Sarah tells us we are getting closer.

When we pull up to the party Sarah and me get out, "Okay, you guys stay in the car, got it?" Sarah tells them through the window. "No way." Ethan protests. "Just stay." She tells them. "We'll be back as soon as we can with Erica and Rory, okay?" I say leaning down to look at them.

"Come on! We can-" Ethan got cut off by Sarah hissing at him, "Got it!" He said, clearly frightened. Sarah and I look at Benny, "I actually wanted to stay in the car so that works for me." I nod my head at them before following Sarah.

When we get closer to the door Sarah tells me to look for Rory then find her with Erica so we can leave fast. "Got it, don't worry I don't wanna be here too long." I nod my head as we get inside looking around then spot Erica so we go over to her.

"Well, look who finally decided to show. I guess Wes talked some sense into the both of you, huh?" Gord smirks at us. "We had a real heart to heart." Sarah tells him before saying she wants to talk to Erica alone. "I'm going to find Rory." I say walking off to find him.

As I walk around the house a few people eye me making me nervous and wishing to find Rory fast. "You look a little lost." An older guy walks up to me. "I'm just looking for my friend." I laugh as his friends join us. "Excuse me." I turn around bumping into someone.

"Sadie you made it." Jesse smiles down at me. "Of course, I wouldn't want to miss it." I laugh as Gord eyes me. "Umm, Sarah is over there." I point him in her direction so I can go find Rory. "Great, let's go get her." He grabs my arm, making me try to stay here. "First thing first... How do you know about me?" I ask him, making him chuckle. "Witches have a sweeter scent than most humans, and I knew your past relatives." He drags me.

When we get to Sarah she shakes her head as he lets go of my arm to wrap his arm around her shoulder having a conversation with her. "Watch her." He tells Gord before taking off with Sarah. "I'm going to go get a drink. Don't worry, I'm not going to leave." I tell him walking towards the punch.


"We can't go without Sarah, especially Sadie." Ethan tells Benny as they found Rory. "I understand the Sadie part but do the words stay in the car ring a bell cause they do with me. A loud one." Benny explains as Ethan looks back to see the girls with Jesse. "Look. There they are."

"Yeah, with McScary. You know, they look busy doing stuff that doesn't really concern us non-undead types, you know what I'm saying? As for Sadie, she can take care of her witchy self. I believe in her." Benny says backing away from the house. "I wanna know what they're up to."

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