29 | Turn on the AC

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"Who would have thought the bio lab had such big pig brains?" Benny says holding the jar. "Oh. I guess I did." Ethan says before opening the door to the teacher lounge. "Okay, over there. Follow me." We hide under a table. "Okay, so we throw the pig brain, grab the coffee... and then we're home free." Ethan tells us the plan. "I don't think you understand the meaning of home free." Benny tells him as his phone rings. "Dude, turn that thing off." We tell him.

"Hello? I can't talk

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Hello? I can't talk. What? Really? That's amazing." Benny stays in the phone. "Benny." I shout at him. "Five hundred minutes... unlimited text, 30 bucks. That's good, right?" He asks. "Hang up." I growl at him and he does. "Okay, pig brain... is go." Ethan slides it across the room. "All right. All right, I'm going for it." We watch him and he ends up dropping it. "I dropped the sample." Ethan tells us. "I'll get the coffee. You go. You too Sadie." Benny tells me and I hesitate to leave. "Go keep an eye on Ethan. We both know you are stronger than him." He pushes me towards the door.

"Wait for me!" I whisper yell at Ethan running behind him. "You didn't stay with him?" Ethan asks as we hid behind a wall. "He told me to go and pushed me to follow you." I lean up against the wall with him.

"Benny? Is that you? Benny?" Ethan whispers as we hear someone then Benny pops up startling us. "Benny. Are you okay?" Ethan asks him. "Never better. Check this out." Benny says holding a big jug of the coffee. "Cool." Rory pops up with a mask of scaring us. "Is that hot chocolate? Got you! Check out what I swiped from the teacher's lounge. Hicks took this from me in September." Rory takes his mask off. "Wait, you were in the teacher's lounge?" Ethan asks him. "Candy, games, TV, couches." Rory lists things. "Zombies?" Benny adds.

"Really? I just thought they were all really grumpy." Rory says. "Whatever. We have to get this coffee to the lab." I tell the guys. "Chemistry? Boring. I'd rather smack me some zombies. RV Away." Rory runs away. "We better rearm." I watch Ethan get a fire extinguisher. "Totally. Let's get this cure going, huh?" I hear Benny say but he didn't sound okay. "Benny are you sure you are okay?" I keep him back slightly as we walk. "Yeah, why do you ask?" He asks nervous. "Benny, did something happen?" I ask him being serious. "I'm fine, Sadie. Let's go." He walks a head of me.

When we get to the lab Ethan sets up. "You're lying to me." I whisper to Benny. "I don't know what you are talking about." He says not looking good. "Benny, you look terrible." I put the back of my hand on his sweaty forehead. "I'm good." He lies to me. "Look at me and stop lying to me." I cup his face in my hands making him look up at me. He doesn't say anything but gives me sad eyes making me sigh running my hands through his sweaty hair. "Oh Benny."

Soon Sarah shows up not much later. "Oh, thanks. Did you see my mom?" Ethan asks Sarah but I was too worried about Benny. "We exchanged a few words. You okay, Benny? You look really sweaty." Sarah asks him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm pumped. Let's do this. Zombie cure." I watch him hold his arm. "There's definitely something going on here. These cells are like neurons, like brain cells. But they're mutating." Ethan looks at them. "Okay. Mutant neurons. Cool." Benny says as teachers so up. "Company. Speed up the geeking." Sarah says going over to them. "You can't rush science." Ethan tells her. "You can if you don't want your brain eaten." She tells him.

"What happened? The neurons are gone. It just looks like plain old coffee now. It's like it cured itself just sitting there." Ethan says keep checking it. "Maybe it has to be fresh?" Sarah suggested. "Hot. That's why the zombies hate the fire extinguisher. It's cold." I put the pieces together. "Great...so we just wait here until January?" Benny asks. "Can't we just blast the air conditioning or something?" Sarah asks. "Sounds like a plan. Benny, pack up. We gotta fight our way to the mechanical room." Ethan laughs.

"Who are you kidding? They'll break you like a fingernail. I'll do it." Sarah tells us and I see Benny holding his arm again. "Benny." I say before he says brain. "Benny, what's up? You look really pale and sweaty. Did you get bit back there?" Ethan asks him. "No. I got bit up here." Benny shows his arm.

" Benny shows his arm

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Benny. Why didn't you tell us?" Ethan looks at his arm. "I thought you might... get cure, fix Benny. Can I bite your head?" Benny looks at him. "Benny, I told you to tell me the truth." I rub his back as Ethan takes a step way. "I did with my eyes." He groans. "I know you did but I wanted you to physically tell me." I say as Ethan pulls me away from Benny. "Just stay with us. Not right with us, but, you know, because of the biting thing. Just hang on, okay? Hang on." Ethan tells him as the teachers come in. "Benny. Benny." Ethan's says and Benny was now a zombie.

"Ethan!" I shout as he gets grabbed through the window then pull him away. "Mom? Not you too." He whines grabbing the fire extinguisher spray everyone around us. Benny gets it out of his hands making us have nothing. "I love you but I'm saving myself." I tell Ethan hiding behind and under a table while they surround him. "SADIE REALLY?!" He yells at me. "You should have ran like me." I tell him peaking up from the table.

"Zombies, just go! No more brains!" He yells before the air comes on making them fall to the ground. "We good?" Sarah comes in as I get up going over to Benny on the floor. "Yeah. The zombies are all cooled off and catching some Z's. I get tired just looking at them." Ethan says looking at them. "You know what we need? A coffee." Sarah jokes. "No, I'll pass, thanks." Ethan tells her. "Low fat, latte machachina, no foam." Benny groans.

"That's the first thing you want when you turn back to being normal?" I laugh shaking my head at them. "That or a kiss from someone." He makes a kissy face. "I think we can get you a coffee later then." I says making Ethan and Sarah laugh. "I think we should get home and just leave everyone here to be confused." Sarah says as I help Benny up. "Come on, you can get some rest at home." I get him up with no help leaning his weight on me. "This is why I love you." Benny says making me laugh. "Wish I could say the same about you. God you are a little heavy for a stick figure."


"I can't believe I liked that guy." Sarah asks as we watch the dude she was with yesterday with the girl who worked at Lotta Latte. "This stinks. We saved the day." Benny says sharing his umbrella with me. "We? You almost bit my face off because Sadie ditched me." Ethan turns to look at us. "I meant before that. You ditched him?" Benny looks down at me. "I told him I loved him before hiding from all of y'all." I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Benny. But we unsung heroes have to take the high road. Right, Sarah?" Ethan says and we see she was gone. "Great. The high road." Sarah comes back after making the couple drop their drinks. "That was actually nice." I put my hand up and we high five. "So what you guys wanna do now?" I ask.

Supernatural Squad | Benny Weir ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora