46 | Mirror

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"I didn't think you would come back this way." I laugh as Benny comes back with a clean face. "Do you want me to just ditch you?" He sits on my lap leaning back on me making me laugh. "No, but I thought after me making fun of the paint on your face you wouldn't come back to me." He smiles back at me, "I could never leave you alone. Also I'm scared Rory might come back and flirt with you." I roll my eyes. "Why do you care if he flirts with me?" I ask him. "Well it's just... Doesn't he annoy you?" He sits back in his chair. "Not really. It's actually nice to have him around." I watch him roll his eyes, "But I mean he flirts with you." I nod my head, "Yes and I don't care."

"But Sadie." He whines. "Benny." I whine back. "I swear if you don't tell me the real reason you have a problem... I'm going to use the spell on you." I say making him freeze. "It's just, ugh, Sadie... I just don't like him flirting with you okay and I'm jealous because you let him think he has a chance." He sighs making me very happy but I don't show it. "Come on, we still have a few more class." I get up putting my hand out.


"Don't you think that this might be too much for tonight?" I ask Benny as he messes with the light. "It's never enough honey." Benny smiles to himself. "Geeks and their gizmos. You seem happy... but that'll change." Erica walks up to us. "Check it out, Bitey. Magic plus buttons equals star power. Like, actual bright-as-a-star power. Kinda the best, right?" Benny gets excited.

"All these techno toys seem fragile to me

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"All these techno toys seem fragile to me." She backs hands a light making it fall off making Benny and me scream. "Benny! Sadie!" Ms. LOL yells out names. "I'm sorry! It won't happen again." We shout at her. "I hope." Benny adds. "Erica, what's wrong with you?" Sarah rushes up to the three of us. "Just leave me alone." Erica shoves her aside. "That's not the Erica I know." Sarah tells us. "Yeah, that's kinda the Erica I know." Benny says back and I nod my head side to side.

"Did Ethan say if anything weird was going on with that mirror?" Sarah asks us. "No. We haven't seen him all day." Benny let's her know. "Should we be as worried as you look?" I ask her. "If I tell you Erica saw her reflection in the mirror would you?" She asks making me and Benny look at each other. "I would say yes." I look back at her before we follow her.

"Okay, so vampires don't have reflections because their curse blocks the soul's inner light. So, if Erica saw herself, that means there's a soul inside this mirror." Benny explains. "Hey, I'm getting pretty good with this stick, huh?" Benny looks back at us as we watch him. "Okay, there's someone inside, but I can't tell if it's Ethan." He tells us. "There's only one way to find out." Sarah walks up to it. "They deserve to hurt. All of them! Benny, Sadie! It's Ethan! Get me out of here! Touch the mirror and pull me through!" Sarah yells.

"Dude, I'm on it!" Benny tells him. "Sarah, you have to touch the mirror. Ethan needs a supernatural connection!" I tell her so she touches it. "Hold on! I know a spell that can unleash a soul's energy-," Benny gets cut off. "Just do it! Email me the explanation!" Ethan tells him. "Here we go! Zara-KOTH mas NARA-koth!" Benny shouts.

Supernatural Squad | Benny Weir ✓Where stories live. Discover now