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Assalamu Alaikum lovelies,😍😍

I trust you all had a great day.

This chapter is what most of you have been waiting for that is why I made up my mind to dedicate it to all my readers

RamatuMadugu am very sorry for not doing what you wanted, Sir MJ and I can't break my namesake's heart for the second time.

She quickly knelt down before me and said "I'm very sorry! I was angry at you and I know you are angry at me too but please forgive me for saying hurtful words to you, for pushing you away from myself and your family, and for shouting at you vehemently. At least, I should've listened to you" She took a deep breath and continued "all the things I said was out of anger and jealousy, I didn't mean any of them.

She raised her head and stared into my eyes "you know I love you and I will never be happy without you in my life. I want....." I guessed a lump formed in her throat as she couldn't continue with her words.

The anger in me died down instantly and I felt jumpy hearing those words from her. Our eyes met and I smiled at her.

I understand how she feels and it pains me to see her like this. I was the cause of everything but I did what I did because her stubbornness was becoming a threat to our marriage.

"come here" I said, demonstrating with my hands.

She started to drag her knees towards me but I stopped her by raising my right hand. I walked to her and picked her up in bridal style while she rested her head on my chest.

I positioned us on the three seater before calling her name "Suhailat, I'm not a womanizer! I love you and I will never flirt with another woman behind your back. I wish you know Zubaida. I will never have a thing to do with her even though she's my cousin and about what happened that day, by Allah, I don't know what came over me, I don't know why I did what I did. I still regret that single act and- and I wish....."

She removed her head from my chest.

Shhhh! She cut my blabs "we are not perfect that is why we make mistakes, therefore, let's avoid holding onto the past and focus on the present, that is what really matters. It took me long to come around but I promise not to act this stupid and stubborn ever again" she said, crying.

Shh! I tried to make her stop crying "I'm yet to pay for that make-up, please don't ruin it for me." I joked.

"I don't care if I ruin it? All I care about is for you to forgive me!"

"I don't think you need my forgiveness for I have already forgiven you. Suhailat, I had to do what I did because you refused to listen to me and I felt if you don't listen to me there's no way you will forgive me and our marriage will never work out when we keep holding onto the past.

"Thank you! Thank you for forgiving me but I was jealous. I was scared that, that lady might snatch you away from me and you know I love you."

"I know and I love you too but please, don't ever act stubborn like you did, it makes me sick."

"I was very sick than you are. You actually made me feel empty and lonely."

"that is serious"

"yes it is"

"Okay, I will never let you feel that way again but only if you don't cause trouble in this marriage again." I held her face in my palm and said "promise me one thing"

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