CHAPTER 43: IT All A Lie

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The weather was cool and comfortable. I was unable to explain the feelings I was having at that moment. I picked up my phone and ringed my baby's number and as if she was waiting for my call, she picked it up immediately. Her first question was "how did it go? Did Dad gave you the permission? Are we allowed to date?" She asked all questions in one breath."

She sounded worry and tensed more than I was yesterday. "Walaikumu Salam warahamatulahi tahala wabarakatu'un" was all I could say.

I was scared beyond my wits. I thought of how to be confident and stay true to her parents. I wanted to show them the genuine interest I had for their daughter.

"Sorry!" her small voice said.

"It nothing. I wish to have a word with you before I start attending to my supervisees, that if it's OK by you." I requested.

"is there a problem?" I could tell she was curious.

"No, not at all! But whatever it is, you will find out when you get here." I said serenely, trying to control my mood.

"Ok, no problem! I will be there in a jiffy insha Allah."

I paced to and fro in the office, thinking of the perfect way to inform her how the meeting went between her Dad and I.

The sound of the door brought me out of woolgather. Looking at her from where I stood, I could see curiosity reflecting on her Bewitched face.

I watched her as she sat down on the leather seat in the office melancholy, I did the same by sitting on the same seat but from the far end.

"Um um" I cleared my voice in order to get her attention "everything that happened in our lives happened for a reason. We learn everyday, from the people we come across to things that happened around us. But the most important things we need to know is that, things like that happened for a reason, they shape our lifestyle and makes us more stronger." I gripped the arm of the seater, wearing a pale face. "Suhailat I know you are strong, more than you think you ar....."

"why a-re you sa_yi_ng all... this? Did something bad happen or.... Just tell me! The way you are sounding is making me lose my calm." She said, all in one breath.

I scratched my beard without saying a word.

"Tell me what the problem is please!" she added.

I adjusted my sitting position before saying " your Dad said no, he seems not to like me." I said, I kept quiet to observe her reaction.

Stunned in her seat she had her gaze fixed on mine with tears streaming down her chin. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing was coming out.

"SubhanAllah! Why are you crying? I don't think that is the right thing to do now, let pray he change his mind."

"I'm no-t he will chan-ge his mind, but why? Why ? W-h-y will he say no. Ya Allah! What did you say to him? What went wrong? I thou....., she couldn't continue with her words as she was crying so hard as if her life depend completely on it.

"Stop crying, Suhailat! I think we..." I tried to console her but she snapped at me "don't tell me to stop crying, do you know how it feels to love someone and can't spend the rest of your life with them? It hurt! It hurt like hell. I don't want to go through that pain ever again."

"calm down for God sake! You don't need to stress yourself out, let find away to ....."

"what! See we might not have dated for long but I treasure this relationship we share, everything is precious to me and all I ever prayed for is to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you! Why is God..."

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