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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely sister.

Happy birthday to my irreplaceable. I wish you Allah's Rahma and Noor in good health and constant happiness. May almighty Allah answer your secret prayers 🙏 amin thumma amin. Wishing you more fruitful years second Momma.

Oh my God! Just like yesterday I gained admission into Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University Lapai. I can't believe I have less than one month to be a graduate. When I first gained admission, I see four years as a long journey but here I'm today preparing for my final examination. The thought of that alone makes me praise God.

School activities became more serious as most lecturers were trying their best to cover their syllabus, some gave students assignment as their assessment while others gave assignment to be presented in the classroom either individual or in groups. students on the other hand are trying by all means to do the right thing at the right time.

Nobody wants to fail as we all know the repercussion of failing at the stage we are, nobody wants to spill at the end of the day so we all made sure we participated in all the group assignments the lecturers gave us and we attended classes regularly for if your attendance is not up to 75% you are a goner.

The new system my friends and I adopted was going to class twice a day during weekends while from Monday's to Friday's we go by 4:00pm.

The weather was cool and lovely because it rained before we left the hostel, we engaged ourselves in chitchat as we walked to the classroom. When we got to our destination Jamila suggested we check the department to see if exam timetable has been placed on the notice board.

As soon as we stepped our feets inside the department, there was only one person in the environment walking towards the front door. I only saw the person's back but I knew who the person was.

'Oh God! Please let him just walk ou....' I stop my silent prayer midway when he turned back to see who came in and our eyes met. He stopped walking and turned completely to face us.

"Good evening Sir" my friends greeted him immediately while I kept quiet and lowered my head as if my mum caught me stealing meat from her pot.

"Evening, how are you?" He replied.

"fine Sir" they chorused.

The environment became awkward as I didn't know what to say. I turned back quietly with the intention of leaving when I heard my name.

"Suhailat wait!

I held my breath and shut my eyes tight as my mind was racing fast.

My friends turned to exit the department. "be a good girl and make your decision wisely" jamila said in a low voice when they got close to me.

"I know how you behave in such situation that's why I will beg you not to act stupidly " Mairo added.

I clenched my fist tightly. I wished we were alone, I would have hit that her stupid mouth that is telling me not to act stupidly but I would let it slid this time, right now I have a more pressing issue to handle.

"Please give me sometime. I know every minute and second is very important to you since you are preparing for your final exams."

'Thank God you know that' I murmured but responded to him with "ok."

'Should we go back to my office?" I hurriedly nodded my head as yes. I know exactly how we students react over things like this so I won't want anybody to see us talking.

"come in"

I went in with my head still hung low "come, sit here" he said pointing at the three seater in his office. I ignored him and stood very close to the door.

HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)Where stories live. Discover now