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Assalamu alaikum

Any moment from now you will be coming across flashback in bold letters, not only in this chapter but in the subsequent ones to come insha Allah.


Three weeks after our wedding and nothing has changed. I have done everything I could but nothing seems to be in my favor.

Have been begging him to divorce me but he refused, I cook not for him unless we have visitors or when he sneak into my kitchen to steal my food.

Whenever he is sitting in the living room, I will be in my room, when am in the living room and he entered I will immediately stand up and go back to my bedroom.

We don't go out together expect when we are going to his parents house because nobody knew what was going on between us.

We have never slept in the same room, he sleeps in his room while I sleeps in my room.

I remembered two days after our wedding when I came out from the bathroom with my short towel and saw him seated on my bed in his PJs.

I was very shy and angry at the same time. I ran back into the bathroom " what are you doing here and who gave you the permission to enter my room." I said to him from the bathroom."

"This is our room not yours, remember we are married. Am your husband and you are my w....."

I cut him short even before he could get to finish what he intended to say,

Ehm! No be only husband na Mata (wife) Please just go, I don't want to see you close to me and as you can see this room and everything in it is mine and I don't want to share.

He stared at the door coldly as if I was the person standing there " you don't want to give us chance at all. How will things go well when you don't want to hear me out. I understand, trust me I won't force you. Take your time and I promise to wait till you are ready to forgive me."

"Just go, you have over stayed your welcome. I'm tired! I need to change into my PJs and get some rest please."

"OK no Problem. Good night"

I stayed in there until he shut the door.

We were seated in the living room as I was thinking of how life has be unfair to me for the past few months while I was looking at my phone as if i was reading something.

On the other end, he was watching network news as he sat on the center carpet, something I noticed he loves doing. I didn't notice when they concluded the news, I just heard his voice.

I will be going back to work insha Allah next tomorrow, will you go with me or will you stay back here? I can arrange for you to go stay with my family since we have our apartment there and my sisters will always be there to keep you company. I will come back to spend the weekend here with you." He said.

"No I will stay here, I don't want to go there and beside they can come here and I can visit them too . I will also go there whenever am bore." I replied him without pondering over his suggestion.

"OK no problem, whenever you need anything don't hesitate to call me. You can visit your friends and they can also come here to see you at least that way you won't be lonely.

I answered him forcefully "OK" because to be sincere am tired of the kind of life am living here in his house.

I sometimes wish I could over look things and enjoy my married life but no, something in me always trigger the anger and jealousness in me.

"Get ready tomorrow we will go visit my parents insha Allah. "

"Naji, Allah shi kaimu"

"Are you OK? " he asked.

"why are you asking?" I asked back

"You seems to be calm today, are you sick?" He asked as he drag himself to where I was.

"Am OK, Good night" I stood up and left him there with his mouth agape.

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I love you all💕💕

Thank you🙏


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