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I was tired of composing appreciation message for him. I've typed more than 10 different messages with different words but I felt he deserves more than what I have been typing and that is why I kept writing and deleting, I think I should just give up, that will save me the stress of thinking and rethinking since I couldn't compose a simple appreciation message.

But It will be bad of me not to call or text him to know how he arrived home and thank him, even if there is nothing between us at least I should be able to appreciate him for showing me care and concern. After all I wasn't the first to fall sick in our class or among his supervisees but he took the risk to come see me immediately he came back from his journey aside the calls.

'He would have done the same even if you are not the one, that was the voice I heard in my head.

'Who cares if he does that for other students, I answered the voice subconsciously.

'Maybe I should just call him and save myself the stress of typing and deleting. I thought.

I picked my phone and dialed his number, the phone rang for a while "the person you are calling is busy" that was what I heard the lady saying "ke ma busy" I said and hissed. But before I redialled his number his call came in.

I took a deep breathe before picking the call. We said our tsalim.

"hmmm hope you arrived home safely?" I managed to ask.

"yes I did alhamdulillah."

"masha Allah and thank you for the gifts. I appreciate your care and concern, Allah shi kara budi da....."

"Crybaby!" this man will never change. "you don't need to thank me" he halted me

"stop calling me crybaby and I just have to thank you, those gifts are too much and Jamila also told me about what you asked them not to tell me.

"oh they did?"

"yes" I said and rolled my eyes as if he was standing before me.

" its nothing Crybaby"

"can you for Allah's sake stop calling me that?"


"because I'm not one."

"says who?"


"OK Agama liz..."

"don't call me that" I stopped him midway because I knew where he was heading to. "That is not my name please" I added.

I heard him laughing from the other end. "then what should I call you" he said amidst laughter.

"I don't know" I snapped at him.

"OK sorry, I won't call you that again"

I rolled my eyes yet again before saying "you better don't call me that" then I pouted

"OK MA."

"I'm not MA Sir."

From the way the conversation was going I understood he was happy calling me names and those names were really pissing me off. He knows my name then why call me with names I'm not comfortable with?.

"are you there?"

"good night. You need to rest and thank y......"

"shhhh! I told you to stop thanking me or do you want me to be angry with you?" I nodded my head as if he was standing before me to see my reaction. "I did that because of God not for you to thank me kinji (you hear)?"

HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin