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Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah
May Allah (SWT) make every aspect of your live easy and see you through all tests, trials and other challenges of life, Ameen ya Rabbi.

Juma'at Mubarak.

"Is it after you are done gossiping about my family and I that you had the guts to say a prayer? 'may Allah ease our affairs' she tried to imitate my voice, "who are you saying that prayer for? Who gave you the permission to talk about my family dan Uban ki?"

We all turned around and saw the person "Y-ou? Wh-a-t Ar-e....."

"Ke Zubaida! That's Yaya's wife you're talking to and why will you drag her father into this? Don't you have respect...."

I stood glued to the spot, gazing at the lady Teemah just referred to as Zubaida, I will never forget her face. That girl that ruined my marriage and stole my happiness. She was raking and fuming like a hungry lion that got out of it's cage mistakenly. All the drama that was going on was not my problem right now. What was going on in my head was too many questions that I had no answers to.

"respect? No I don't think I do and you better mind your business before I drag your father into this too. Don't think he's late I can't rain insult on him. Wallahi Teemah, I will close my eyes, rain insult on your entire family and nothing will happen"

"ya Zubaida, I dare you to insult my family."

"if I do what will you do? what are you feeling like? Tell me" she said in her harsh and bossy voice.

"just try it and you will be amazed by Allah." Nafeesat said smiling sweetly but her voice sounds rough. "If you think you are bold enough to insult my father, please go ahead and I promise to give you the greatest surprise of your life." She added.

"Nafeesat kinchi Uban ki for talking to..."

Tas! "One more insult from you and I will slap you again and again. If you don't have respect for your father, I do and I will not seat back and watch you insult our late father nor her father" she pointed her finger towards my direction.

"did you just slap me?"

"I will slap you again and again if you insult us again. I've been tolerating your madness all this while because I want peace but" she nodded her head side ways "not any longer, you know why? Because I'm fed up."

I never knew Nafeesat was this tough. I knew her to be jovial and friendly.

"Nafeesat, stop the drama already!"

"Anty Teemah barni da ita (leave me with her)"

"Wallahi yau zaki san ni banda hankali (wallahi today you will know that I don't have sense" Zubaida was brimful with fury just the way Nafeesat was too.

"You will know that......"

"and what is going on here?" Umma asked in a demanding voice

"Umma, what is going on here is that Nafeesat just slapped me and wallahi sai na rama. Yarinyan nan babu tarbiya, (I most slap her back. She don't have home training)"

"Nafeesat, did you slap Zubaida?"

"Yes, I did Umma."


"First she insulted Aunty Amarya's Daddy and when I talked she insulted Abba. I felt it was unjust to insult another person's father talk more of Abba who is late?"

"Zubaida, is that true? Did you insult Suhailat's father and your late Uncle?"

"Yes I did, that was because I saw and heard them gossiping about my family" she replied sizing us.

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