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When I got home I tried my possible best to take her thoughts off my mind but all efforts was in vain as I kept pondering over one thing or the other that has to do with her.

I thought of the possibility of getting her, how to confront her and if by chance I confront her what do I tell her?.

I signed before asking myself if I truly loved her or am just doing this because I sees her almost everyday or is it because Mus'ud kept insisting I love her. If I truly love her, can I change her to my taste the way Mus'ud advised me to do?

Or maybe I should just forget her since am not even sure if she feels the same way about me but how sure am I that I can do that now that I hardly spend a day without thinking about her and if by chance she feels the same way about me how will I know that when am not in anyway close to her?.

"Kai! This girl is driving me crazy walahi" I said to myself
subconsciously before I walked to the bathroom.

I removed my clothes before placing them in the basket that contains my dirty clothes and processed to turn the shower on. I allowed the water to flow down my body freely for what seems like forever before I took proper bath.

I came out of the bathroom, applied my body lotion and a little amount of perfume. By the time I was done I picked my phone from the side drawer and made myself comfortable on the bed.

I boot my system to keep my self busy with some works before the ahdan call the prayer for magrib salat but I was finding it hard to concentrate so I kept the system beside me and decide to chat on WhatsApp. I replied few messages.

The next thing I noticed myself doing was scrolling through my contacts.

I clicked on the contact I save as AGAMA LIZARD with block letters, then click on the profile picture but as soon as the picture finished loading I saw a picture of a cute cat instead of her picture that has been there for the past few days now.

Why will she change it? Why today out of all day? I asked myself as I ruffled my hair with my hand. I went to status and search for her name instead of scrolling through to see if at all she upload any of her personal pictures on her status but none was there.

I dropped the phone on the bed and walk up and down in the room before going back to picked the phone up again. I unlocked it and went to my contacts, I clicked on her number and dialed it immediately without thinking twice.

At that point in time I was having two different thoughts in my mind as part of me was asking why I was calling her while the other part tries to encourage me to do what my heart really wants.

Immediately the phone started ringing, I was tempted so badly to end the call but something in me was preventing me from doing that.

I waited patiently until she picked the call and said her salam.
"salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu."

"walaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatahu."

"Good evening Sir." She greeted me.

"Evening. How are you doing?

"Am fine Sir."

After she replied me, we both kept quite for what seems like 10 minutes cause I don't know what to say to her next and I don't know the reason why I called her but I knew the only thing I wanted was to just hear from her maybe my heart will be at rest.

"Hello Sir." She interrupted my thoughts with her next words that came in form of question?

"Hmm.....! I- I just called to ask if you have effected the hmm the correction I made the last time on chapter three?" I said to her stutter.

"yes, I'm done sir" she said calmly.

"OK. Can you eh send it to me nowww." I said emphasizing on now.

"Am kind of bu.... She started talking but kept quite for few minutes and said OK I will send it in five minutes time insha Allah."

"Are you sure you have effected the correction?"

"Yes, have done that Sir."

"Then why after 5minutes and not now?" I asked her again.

"Ok Sir."

"Are you sending it now? I asked her in a hurry.

"I will send it now insha Allah Sir."

"Then I will be waiting"

"tau sai anjima Sir." She said and ended the call.


I ended the call and sat on the rubber pint we used to store cooking water.

What is wrong with this man and why did he call me at this time of the day just to ask if I've effected the corrections he made. He should have waited till when I'm ready to submit it at my leisure time.

"Hmm! na him sabi sha, at least I won't get to see his annoying face since I will be sending it to him online. That will save me the stress of printing and the expenses will be less too" I said to myself smiling.

I went to my locker and brought out my PC, I boot it, inserted my phone USB to enable me transfer the edited work to my phone before sending it to him on WhatsApp.

"It took you four minutes to send the document. Just one more minute to make it five minutes."

I was flabbergasted to see his replied immediately the message delivered. Does that mean he has been waiting for the message the way he said he'll? I thought.

"Sorry Sir. I had to send it to my phone since it was on my PC."

"OK no problem."

I so much wanted to tell him that 'if there was no problem then why did he asked' but I changed my mind and replied him with "OK sir."

"I need to go to the masjid, it almost time for salat."

And why is he telling me this now? Do I look like I care about him or what he does with his time? But that will sound rude if I say that to him, so this time around I still replied him with "OK"

"Don't forget to pray for me in your salat"

"yes sir" I sent the last message and quickly off my data because I was finding his behavior irritating.

Few minutes after I logged out, I saw a message notification on my phone screen while hastily unlocking my phone thinking it was my monthly credit alert from my parents then I saw his name on it and the message reads "after my prayer I will go through your work. If there's any corrections needed or suggestions I will call you so we chat on possible ways to improve your data. Take care".

After reading his text I was pissed off and I said to myself "why all of a sudden is this man trying to ruin my mood and moment today? Why can't he just do his corrections and let things be?"

I left his message without feedback and returned to the activity I was engaged in before he called. Though I felt suspicious that this man is trying to frustrate me or trying to give me a workload instead of project supervision cause if that isn't the case then why is he trying to have a discussion with me regarding my project all of a sudden? I said to myself while exhaling deep breath as sign of relief.

Hi my people😍😍 here is another chapter, feel free to share your opinion🤔.

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HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن