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Do Literally Whatever Makes You Happy


"Please one of you should at least go with me. Maybe if he sees someone with me he won't be harsh on me."

"Uh, I don't think I can go with you. You know how that man is ai, he won't mind to rain insults on us......"

"If he only insults us alhamdulillah because he might end up sending us out of his office just to make us feel useless" Mairo said after interrupting Swalaha.

"As for me, am out of this place and thank God he understood you were the person who initiated the conversation. I just don't understand why you don't calm down whenever you are faced with a problem."

"walahi Jamila I wonder about that too and the annoying thing is that she ends up adding to her problems every now and then because she lacks the confidence to face her problems. As a lady you need to learn how to solve your problems on your own, you can't be running to people to help you fix your problems Kawa" Swalaha said calmly.

"I comprehend what you guys are saying but now is not the right time for you to deliver that lecture. All I asked for is for one of you to go to his office with me. Besides time is not on my side dan Allah" I said to them worriedly.

"I can't dear" they said all together as if they just concluded a meeting and agreed on one thing.

"No problem. I'll meet you guys in the hostel" I told them and started walking towards his office.

My heartbeat kept on increasing as I walked to his office while I made up my mind to do what Jamila told me to do.

I kept on reciting different prayers till I knocked on his office door, opened it and walked in.

He stopped what he was doing and started touching his beard as he fixed his gaze on me. The look made me forget what I wanted doing as I stood there waiting for him to start blasting me while he on the other hand kept looking at me without making any reasonable move.

I knew I won't flew the coop so I tried to act fast since I was the one who offended him. I wanted to apologize for saying all those words and for making noise in his class yet words refused to come out of my mouth.

I made several attempts but all in vain, I raised my head to look at him but the look I saw on his face made me tremble inside.

At that point in time I didn't border myself with what to do as I went down on my knees and I started crying non stop.

"Subhanallah! Why are you crying?"

I kept on crying without making any efforts to reply him because I don't have any reason why I'm crying.

He left his seat and walked close to where I was standing, dragged a seat for me to seat on. I had no choice than to sit down since my legs were already shaking.

He went back to his seat and sat down quietly before he said. "will you stop crying in my office or you want someone to come in and see you crying?"

'I don't care about who will see me crying as long as you already saw me crying' I thought.

"if you don't stop crying I will leave the office for you and you will have to attend to those coming in. Don't try my patience" He said firmly.

As soon as he said that I dropped on my knees and the water works began.

His eyes widened with shock as he covered his eyes with his hand for a few seconds before saying "Ya Allah! Will you just stop all this crying of a thing. "

I didn't reply him just the way I didn't make any attempt to stop crying while he sat there looking at me bewildered.

He remained silent till I stopped crying before he cleared his voice and opened his mouth to say something.

I quickly cut him short " I'm sorry for behaving that way, I'm sorry for crying in your office, I'm sorry for talking to you rudely on the phone. Those words where not meant for you." I said to him darting my eye from left to right.

"hmmm! Who were they meant for?" he asked with his eyes fixed on mine.

Uh! I exclaimed

"Those words were meant for who?" he asked again.


"lies" he said immediately.

"hmm-hmmm You said I should see you in your office now" I tried to change the topic.

"you don't need to remind me about that and don't try to act smart with me my dear. Who were they meant for?"

'Will this man ever give up in his life' I thought.

"it is personal" I said clenching my fists.

"I see! saying hurtful words to someone who hurt your feelings will never change the pain the person caused you, the best thing you should have done was to perform wudhu and pray to your lord by sitting on your prayer mat to recite either Suratul Rahman, Suratul Inshira, Al- mulk or Duha.
You know The Noble Qur'an is a guide for all of mankind till the end of time, it guides us in time of depression be it heartbreak, pain or calamity. When you recite the surah's it gives you a beautiful sense of Allah's presence and remember suratul Rahman is so fluent, rhyming and sweet that it is intensely relieving."

I hung my head as I listened to what he was saying.

"Would you have said similar words to me if I was the one who did what the person did to you?" he asked me.

I remained silent because before now if someone had told me I will do what I did that day I would've denied it.

"You don't have the answer because back then you never believed you could do it right?"

This time around I nodded my head as yes.

"Good, don't make your problem turn you into what you are not kin ji ko."

Naji. Insha Allah it wont repeat itself and thank you Sir.

"Now that a side, why were you making noise in my class?"

"hm-hmm! I already said I'm sorry" I replied him sagging my shoulders

"I only pardoned you and your friend because I understood you were faced with some challenges but I won't tolerate that next time, most especially from you. Am I clear."

I nodded my head before saying "Yes sir."

"Where is you..."

My phone rang and interrupted him from saying what he wanted to say. I checked the caller then silent the phone but the person still called back.

"Pick the call" he instructed.

"salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatahu"

"walaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakataku. When are your free days?"

" Fridays. Lafi....."

"Come home on Friday or I will ask your brother to come pick you up on Friday" She said with a furious voice before she disconnected the call.

I forgot where I was and rose from my seat to leave the office when I heard his voice.

"we are not done talking."

"I know but I-I don- don't know what happened. It was my Mum and she sounds angry" I told him.

"OK go, I will call you later insha Allah."

Stay safe
Stay connected
Stay calm as you anticipate the next chapter🤞 And don't get tired of doing this please👇


I love you all💓💓💓💓


HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)Where stories live. Discover now