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All powers of protection rest with Allah. He is the best to reward, the best to determine the end of things. May He continue to shower His Mercies and Protections upon us and grant us the best outcome in this world and the hereafter. Ameen. Jumuat Mubarak..


"Aunty start explaining" Jameelah said to me with a serious expression on her face immediately I woke up from sleep.

"What" I asked her perplexed.

"Mairo and Swalbaby I think you guys have to listen to this but let this madam unlock her phone" she called their attention as she passed me my phone to unlock.

They left the plate they were washing and came in running as if something was chasing after them "Kai amebo will not kill some people, that time you guys used in running to this place you would have used it to wash three plates if not all the dirty plates self." I winked in pain due to the headache I was having.

"please please please madam! don't come and use your sickness and spoil our gist o, this one that you are holding your head. Someone will be falling sick anyhow" Mairo said.

"Don't mind her! If she likes let her hold her mouth. Sha unlock the phone for me."

I did what she wanted without suspecting anything since I knew I didn't do anything wrong. I wonder what she kept in my phone that made her insist I unlock the phone.

I sat up as soon as we finished listening to the call she recorded "when did that happen? Like where was I and how comes I didn't hear anything?"

"you where sleeping and according to him you were the one who sent him SMS saying you sent your corrected work to his e-mail." She replied me sarcastically.

"Tau! Shebi you are the one who received the call, what explanation do I have to make again?." I said to them before going back to lay down .

"I know everything is normal but the fact that he sounds worried about your sickness is what baffles me the most. I just hope I am not exaggerating and it is not what I am thinking."

I hissed and backed them. "Jam jam I feel you are not exaggerating because sometimes it is normal to be concerned about someone you are close to or a friend ai"

"hmm! The thing is that they are not friends nor close to each other so why is he worried."

"See all of you should mind yourselves o! I think what you should all be concerned about is my health and not that stupid issue you are discussing for I seriously don't know what you guys are talking about. That man is just my project supervisor and lecturer which we all know, aside student- lecturer- supervisor relationship we shared I don't want to have anything to do with that man and wallahi Jameelah mind yourself because that your rubbish mouth can cause so much trouble for someone" I snatched my phone from her forcefully which made me to groan in pain.

"Aunty sorry now but you know nothing is bad in dati....."

The look I sent her way shut her up even before she was able to complete what she intended to say. She can't be serious, those girls are crazy walahi. I stood up with my phone in my hand and left the room for them.

I could hear them calling me to come back that they are sorry but I was too angry to listen or reply them.

I was laying down in a friend's bed in the next room when my phone started ringing. I checked who the caller was and hissed before picking the call.



"how are you? How is your health? How are you feeling now? I called some moments ago Jameelah told me you were sleeping"

HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)Where stories live. Discover now