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Ya Allah Forgive Our Sins Before the Angel of Death Capture Our Soul. Save Us From the Punishment of the Grave. Make Our Grave Spacious & Illuminate for Us. So We May Rest in Peace Until You Resurrect Us to Meet You on the Day of Judgement. Ya Allah Save Us From Hellfire & Admit Us to Jannat-ul-firdaus With Our Family.


"What do you mean by I can't go on a date with him? Is there anything wrong with going on a date with someone I love or someone who loves me? I seriously don't get the reason behind this your sudden behavior" I snapped at Jam Jam.

I told them I was going on a date with Mr Abdulmjeed and they can even come along since he invited them but she said no they are not going, she was able to persuade Mairo And Swalbaby with her silly excuse not to go which I honestly don't have problem with but what I fail to understand is the reason why she don't want me to go on a date with him, I thought she wanted me to move on with my life and not to be stuck in the past.

"If you don't want to go fine! I won't force you but I want you to know that I've already made up my mind to go on a date with him and that is final. I won't change my mind for no reason" I said while sending her my dark gaze.

"you can't go on a date with him without the consent of your parents and besides you barely know this man. How long have you known....."

"if not because you are my friend I would have concluded that you are jealous of me. How on earth will you say something like that? Its not like I was going to his house or to a hotel to spend the night with him, it's just a few minutes or hours and about my parents, that shouldn't be your problem. They're my parents and not yours, moreover they are not complaining because they trust their daughter not to do what is bad." I halt her midway.

"Will you girls stop this nonsense" mairo, said in her bossy voice "why are you guys behaving like Kids? Jam Jam I don't think your reason is strong enough since her parents knew they were dating and going out with a guy is not that bad since they were willing to take us along, if they wanted to do something stupid they won't have invited us or what do you think Swalbaby?"

"you are right! I don't even know why they are debating on this issue since her parents knew about him. The most important thing is for him to seek for their permission which he already did" she explained.

"you guys don't seem to understand what I'm saying"

"then make us understand!" we said, all together.

"Do whatever you like! besides it's your life not mine" She rolled her eyes.

'That was unlike her. Why is she behaving this way with me?'

"Jamila why are you doing this? Is there something you are not telling us? Did you see or hear anything bad about Mr. Abdulmajeed?" Swalaha questions her as we all stood there waiting for her answer.

I was flabbergasted to hear her next word "nothing! Non of them" I doubt if she was the caring and supportive lady I call my friend, the way she has been behaving since I told them about the date and the project he brought for me is unlike her. I walked close to her, held her shoulders and sat her down on the bed "tell me, what is the problem? Have I done something wrong or offended you with my words? I just don't get why you are acting this way all of a sudden" I said, trying had to suppress my anger and confusion. "I thought you wanted me to date him? You once told me that, I was lucky to have him and I should love him because he loves me too. Tell me why you don't want me to go on a date please. We are more like sisters now, I can't trade our friendship for anything. Your words hurt, it's actually my life but remember you are part of my life and I cherish you...."

HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt