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I was startled when I saw a message from her. Is it a mistake or what? I was still in that state of shock when her call came in. I was having the urge to pick the call immediately because I badly wanted to be sure of what my eyes saw but on a second thought, that message might be a mistake and with that thought running in my mind I ignored the call but she kept calling.

After 3 missed calls I picked the call, Knowing she will not stop until she achieved her aims  “Assalamu alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuhu”

“Walaikumusalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Angon Suhailat” she responded

I removed the phone from my ear and checked who the caller was before placing it back. I did that just to be sure she’s the one

“How are you?” I heard her say the moment I place the phone back on my ears.

Hmm hmm I cleared my voice before saying “I’m fine and you?  Ya mutan gida (how is everyone at home?)

“everyone is fine but I’m not”

I got worried when she said she’s not fine but I composed myself so that she won’t notice it. “What is wrong with you?” I asked in an I don’t care voice.

“I’m missing my husband! When are you coming home? I miss you, Umma misses you and you already know Teemah and Autan Mama do too, since they complain to you almost everyday.”

“oh! Sorry about that!”

“Is that all you can say? ‘Oh sorry!’  I’m not sick, I just miss my husband and I wish to see you soon?” I was not expecting her to say that considering the fact that she chased me away.

“Who knows if you are sick”

“yes I’m sick! You know why? Because you refuse to come back home and I Suhailat Aminu is tired of waiting for her husband to come home and I feel sick because my husband stopped showing me care.” She said everything in one breath.

All I could say was “Sorry about that.”

“For God's sake stop telling me sorry, I’m not sick. I only want you to come home and if there is any remedy to my sickness that will be you so come home, Suhailat really needs you.”

“sorry, I can’t!”



“okay, no problem! I will be going back home tomorrow insha Allah because I’m tired of staying idle around Umma. I will wait for you till the end of tomorrow and if you don’t come back home to me, I’m sorry I will have to go back to my parents and never come back to you again which means we are officially calling off this marriage for I can’t stay with a man who doesn't love ….”

“who told you I don’t love you?”

“Your actions did”

“that is not true”

“I don’t want to know if is true or not. It is either you come back home to me or you stay in Lapai and do your work to your satisfaction while I go back to my parents. Good night!”

HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)Where stories live. Discover now