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Initially the event for the wedding are; walima, wedding fatiha and dinner party but I guess because of the misunderstanding we had she called me a day to the wedding asking me to cancel the other events except for wedding fatiha.

At first I thought I was hallucinating but when the phone kept buzzing I urgently answered the call.

"Assalamu Alaikum warahmatullah wabaratuhu"

"Walaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh"

"How are you?" I wanted to know how she was doing so I asked.

"That's not the reason why I called! I want you to cancel the dinner party and the walima" she went ahead to inform me the reason why she had called.

In a stunned voice I asked "but why?"

"you don't have to know why" she snapped at me.

"easy! You don't have to snap at me...."

"then do it" she shut me up midway.

"And if I don't" I replied her.

I was happy to hear her voice. Since after that incident she never picked my endless calls or reply my messages.

Even if those programmes were to take place I knew we won't enjoy it as planned but why is she just calling? It's a day to the wedding and she want me to cancel the events.

"Are you there?"


"Call it off"

"I can't. We already invited people and it is just a day to the wedding."

"cancel it or I tell my parents and siblings about what I caught you doing."

I smiled as if she was there with me to see the smile "go ahead. I trust you not to do anything as stupid as that but if you want to do it, fine! You are free to do it. About the events I will only cancel one, which is the dinner party. I will inform Teemah that you changed your mind due to reasons best known to you or I will just tell her to call you so that you will explain things...."

"okay, fine! Tell her to stop the preparation for the dinner party and I will look for a way to stop the walima from taking place."

"All the best"

Hmm! Was the last thing she said before disconnecting the call.

I used my hand to mess my hair in frustration. I ruined everything and I have to fix it alone. Now I have to look for the right word to convince my sisters to stop the preparation for the dinner party they were organising for us.

Some how I was able to convince them but they kept asking what the reason was and my response was "nothing."

That evening my uncles and I arrived at Minna. We agreed on spending the night at Mas'ud's and immediately after the wedding fatiha we will leave for Abuja. His mother and one of my uncles wife will be the one to receive my bride from her family and convey her to Abuja.

That night I couldn't sleep because I was praying to God to make things right between us. I was afraid she would spill the beans at anytime even though my mind was telling me she will never do anything like that.


Suhailat POV

It's exactly 4 months since the incident and I still remember everything vividly. I will never forget that day.

HIDDEN DESIRE                           (COMPLETED, 2020)Where stories live. Discover now