Chapter 3

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Yoon Min was lost in her own thoughts. How did it happen? How come he just touched her and the pain disappeared? Was it magic?

Ella flew quickly through the crowds with an antidote which is the only medicine in Love Universe and it cured every pain. She was already crying like a child when she saw her Guardian on the floor.

“Miss! I'm so sorry! Are you okay now? Did the pain go away?”

Yoon Min was brought back to senses when she saw her. She nodded slowly and moved away from Seokjin's grip. Ella ran to her and buried her tiny body inside Yoon Min's jacket. It was obvious she was crying.

“I'm very sorry, Miss. I didn’t know what to do. I got you this antidote! It will help you to lessen the pain. Oh, please forgive me...” she was begging as if she committed a great crime.

Yoon Min was taken aback by her cries, “Hey, Ella, it's okay. Don't cry. I'm fine now. It's okay.”

She rubbed her tiny body with her fingers.

“Fairy Ella.”

A sudden voice made everyone turn at him.

Seokjin was already on his feet, looking at the fairy. Yoon Min also stood up and tried not to look at the other guardians. Ella flew right up and stood in front of him, lowering her head.

“Yes, Sir?”

“What is a Fairy's top responsibility?”

No one expected a question like this from him. Ella was flabbergasted but remained silent.

“I-It' serve its Guardian and make sure he/she is helped in every way.” she almost stuttered every word.

Yoon Min was getting anxious as well.

“So did you help your Guardian when she was in pain?” He asked sternly.

Every guardian and fairy present in the cafeteria exclaimed and whispered their opinions. They just love to watch dramas, don't they?

Yoon Min tried to defend Ella, “S-Senior Guardian, i-it wasn’t--”

He cut her off as if he never heard her, “A fairy is appointed to help her Guardian in every situation so that he or she doesn’t feel burdened or over stressed. How do you explain this situation now? Why did your Guardian need my help instead of yours!” He suddenly shouted at her, making everyone flinch.

Ella was literally petrified by his rebuke.

“I'm extremely sorry. I will never do it again. I promise. Please forgive me.”

Hold on, what was her fault?

Yoon Min had many things to say to his face but being a newbie was being an obstacle. She already created a mess on her first day, how more attention will she gain? So she kept silent though it seemed wrong to her that Ella was getting scolded without any reason.

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