Chapter 90

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"Psst...I heard from Garam that she's sick. She has a different heart!"

"My brother said the other day that she is haunted. Ghosts want her heart, that's why it grows weaker day by day."

"Is she listening to us? Can she even speak?"

"I don't wanna play with her. She scares me."

"Don't hold her hand! Your heart will stop if you do."

Ever since Yoon Min was a kid, she's been hearing all these stuff. The day she came to the orphanage, she felt like the only kid who didn't belong. As the others were rude and ignorant towards her. They considered her a disease, a monster, a plague. The fact she had a weak heart seemed funny and they made fun of her, mocked her, didn't let her play with them. Not even once did they think that this little girl could feel sad and alone and scared.

Abandoned...she was abandoned from the beginning of her life. Her parents left her, her friends left her. She was left alone by everyone in the world, unsafe and unprotected. That's when she realized, even though no one was by her side, she was. She was there for herself, she could be friends with herself and make a world of her own. So she started being kind, sweet towards herself and made friends with books, grasses, trees, stars, moon, everything that gave her a shelter.

As she grew up and became more mature than before, she taught herself to be away from people who didn't want her around. She taught herself to be good and kind to others, have courage and forgive. But even after learning to be a good person, she didn't encounter with good people at all.

Their male caretaker had created an unfamiliar fear inside her chest. That men are bad, they are evil and selfish. An elderly woman abused her for a long time, hitting and cussing uglily whenever she wanted. She spent 18 years bearing these nightmares and surviving for a better future.

After everything happened to her, she finally met a good person and it was a man. He wasn't bad or evil or selfish. He was sweet, nice, protective and caring. He was the first person who didn't hesitate to save her and took care of her. And for the first time of her life, she fell in love so deeply, so hard, so madly with him. She knew she shouldn't crave for someone she couldn't have. But how was it possible not to want him?

Seokjin was her guardian who won her heart by doing the simplest things and became the reason behind the rapid poundings of her heart. He was the light of her eyes. Because he selflessly loved her the same way she did.

So it was extremely difficult and hard for her to walk away from him that day. The day she discovered he broke the bridge of their happy marriage. Since that day, she didn't know pain could be this painful. She was so confused and lost and she felt like she was drowning in helplessness in this complicated world. She didn't want to live with the fact her husband touched another woman in a way he shouldn't. She hid from him, took sleeping pills and slept for days. She didn't want to wake up.

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