Chapter 25

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Koushi was parading through the department halls, looking all serious

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Koushi was parading through the department halls, looking all serious. Busy woman, isn't she? Anyone would ask her why so rush. Fixing the glasses over her nose, she finally arrived in front of the private room and opened the door with a bang!

"Gosh, you scared me, Hwang Koushi!" Sung Rin glared at her from inside. Yoon Min also looked surprised.

Slamming the door shut, she made her way towards her friends and made eye-contact with Sung Rin first, "Please tell me she's ready."

"She is, Koushi. Goddammit how many times are you gonna ask? I just need to teach her how to smile while dancing."

"Three weeks, Shin Sung Rin! And you are yet to teach her the simplest thing?"

"Well, she isn't showing interest in learning how to dance! You have no idea how much hard efforts I put on her!"

Yoon Min remained quiet and watched them fighting.

Koushi glared at her then, "My friend, if you dance like a babb--"

"Babbling Baboon, you'll kill me. I know. But my teacher made me learn every step and hopefully I won't forget, don't worry." she cut her off.

"You're welcome." Sung Rin gave a pat on her shoulder.

Koushi trusted in her. Releasing a long exhausting breath, she then said, "Okay, you need to choose one among Jin and Beomgyu."

Yoon Min started to cough unintentionally as she widened her eyes in surprise. "Excuse me, what?"

"You heard me. First, I thought the chosen guardians will be having their respective partners. Then the fact almost every female guardian in the universe might hold a war to dance with Jin, I had to cancel that idea. Now, I planned that among the three of you, two will dance together at first and the other will choose a partner by his own will. Obviously, Jin and Beomgyu can't dance together, right?"

Sung Rin laughed lowly, imagining both the men dancing while glaring at each other on the fact who knows Yoon Min's favorite color.

"So either you will dance with Jin or Beomgyu; then I can decide the other's partner. So who?" Koushi asked.

Yoon Min became flabbergasted for a second, all positive thoughts vanished from her brain. Whom should she choose?

Suddenly, a male burst inside the room, looking like he ran a marathon. He ran towards the girl's circle and held Yoon Min's wrist tightly before rapping,

"YoonYouAreDancingWithMeThatIsFinal." he let her go and started to breathe heavily.

"Sorry I didn't catch you, Beomgyu. What did you say?"

"You Are Dancing With Me. Yeah, that's all." he said slowly this time and resumed his breathing procedure. Where the heck did he run from?!

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