Chapter 103

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Saudade; a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that has been loved and then lost.

The love that remains.

Yoon Min's eyes were stuck on the purple whale, resting on the shore of the moon glow-gold beach. Whales never get so close to the land. It was quite surprising why this particular creature was brave enough to come here. The waves were carelessly dribbling onto the sand, enough for him to have the touch of water.

She slowly approached the whale. She had never seen one this close and it tempted her to put her hand on his head. So she did, gently pressed her hand on the skin of the whale.

The purple whale opened his eyes at her touch. He didn't complain or back out. His eyes met with hers and that's when she realized, he was sad, depressed and heartbroken. His eyes reflected the story of his life, the grieving tragedy behind his suicide; the losing of his lover. His eyes showed her all of that. And she couldn't help the tears in her eyes.

She gently caressed the whale's head repeatedly, in hope for a short time, he might get the feeling he wasn't alone. That he didn't need to be sad, not with her.

"Does it hurt...missing your partner?"

He didn't answer, only let out a low moan.

Yoon Min only could see herself in the whale's eyes. She too had killed herself within the grief of losing her lover. The similarity tore her apart and left her stranded alone. That thought damaged her to a mid level of depression.

After a short time, the whale slowly retreated, pulled himself back as he swam deeper into the ocean, leaving the water drizzling and rippling. She crouched down and watched him swim further away. As he went back underneath the ocean, she found her vision blurring due to the tears stuck in her eyes. Because just like that whale, she missed her lover to an undescribable limit.

Closing her wet eyes, she let the breeze hit her face, shivering and making her want to curl up in a ball. She listened to the sound of the waves and the distant calls of whales miles away.

There was an automatic realization; a knowledge that had nothing to do with gut feeling or magic as she could feel a presence behind her. And it took her one moment to figure out who it was. It wasn't tough since she could recognise him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the sand. She would know him at the end of the world, in death and after.

Slowly opening her eyes, she gasped silently, being overwhelmed by the old familiarity of the presence. Her insides flipped and tensed, unable to function properly. There was no need to double-check her inution because she was damn sure it was who she was thinking. She could never mistake his scent for something else.

Yoon Min took her time to rose on her feet and stared at the infinite sea. She was nervous, still not ready to face him. Not ready to gaze upon his face and resist the urge to hug him. Her fists clenched, her shoulders straightened as she took a long inhale, before finally turning around.

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