"All of us?" You questioned. "No, (y/n). Just you and me." Sweeney said, as he placed his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him, surprised. You've imagined running away with him, but you never thought you would hear those words coming from Sweeney himself. You were about to say something back, but, then, Mrs. Lovett walked out of her Meat Shop. "What are the two of you talk about?" She asked, curiously and being nosy at the same time. You and Sweeney looked at each other for a moment before the two of you turned back to her and you simply answered, "Nothing, Mrs. Lovett."

Then, suddenly, the Meat Shop door opened from behind Mrs. Lovett, making her jump in fright, and it revealed to be the Beadle, Judge Turpin's henchman. When you saw that filthy man, you quickly turned away from him, hoping he wouldn't recognize you and take you to Turpin. Without you looking, Sweeney stepped in front of you to block you from the Beadle's view. "Excuse me, sir. You gave me a fright, sir." You heard Mrs. Lovett say. "Not my intention, good madam. I assure you. Though I am here on a official business." The Beadle said. You furrowed your eyebrows, in confusion, without anyone noticing. 'What does he mean 'official business'?' You asked yourself, mentally.

"You see, there's been some complaints about the stink from your chimney. They say at night it's something most fowl." The Beadle pointed out. 'Oh, no! He knows!' You panicked, in your mind. "Health regulations and the general public welfare naturally being my duty, I'm afraid I'll have to take a look at your bakehouse." The Beadle concluded. 'Oh, no!' You thought to yourself. "Of course, sir." You heard Sweeney say, which confused you. "But first, why don't you come upstairs? Let me pamper you." Sweeney said, giving you a hint of what he planning to do. "Much as I as I do appreciate it tonsorial doormen I really ought to see to my official obligations first." The Beadle responded.

"I completely understand." Sweeney said, as you felt him stepping forward. You couldn't see what was happening, but you had a feeling Sweeney was trying to stop the Beadle from leaving. Then, you heard Sweeney inhaling before he asked, "If you'll indulge me, sir, what is that exotic aroma?" "Me secret, is a touch of ambergris." The Beadle answered. "Dare I offer you something a tad more appropriate for a gentleman of your standing?" Sweeney offered. The Beadle exhaled as if he was about to say something, but Sweeney convinced him even more. "The ladies will greatly appreciate it, sir." Sweeney said.

For a moment, the Beadle didn't say a word until he said, "Well, you are the expert in these matters." "Only take a moment." Sweeney said, and, then, you felt Sweeney step to the side to let the Beadle walk up the stairs, while Mrs. Lovett walked back inside her Meat Shop. "I would assume you're offer will definitely be a way to get the ladies attention. Like that lady right there by you, Mr. Todd." The Beadle said, referring to you. Trying to remain calm, you turned your head more to the left so that the Beadle wouldn't see your face. "Perhaps." Sweeney simply said, with a hint of disgust in his voice.

When you felt that they were at the top of the stairs you turned your head to see the two of them were reaching the barbershop. The Beadle went inside, while Sweeney looked down at you and gave you a wink, letting you know what he was about to do to the Beadle. You nodded back in response before Sweeney walked inside his barbershop. Afterwards, you remained where you were standing for a moment, thinking about the Beadle meeting his fate that pretty much was well deserved as he's the henchman to Turpin and what Sweeney had told you about you and him boarding a ship together once the two of you finish off Turpin when he arrives. You worry about Sweeney a lot and you always felt the need to protect him because you love him.

Nothing's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around
Nothing's gonna harm you, Sweeney
Not while I'm around

The devil of London will arrive
With minutes alive
After time
Nothing's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around

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