Always Trouble in WWE World

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I sat, with my eyes closed, feeling every movement of the plane i was on. It was a long flight back to england.... 11 hours. I sighed and opened my eyes, there was no point, i would never fall asleep on this plane. I looked to my left and saw sheamus asleep, his deep breathing rythmic. I smiled to myself and looked to my right side. AJ had her head lightly balanced on my shoulder, she was also asleep and her face looked so happy and care free. If only she was always like that. I looked up and over the aisle. My father was watching me, a small smile on his face. I echoed the smile and he whispered to me "They are lucky to have you" I shook my head an answered, "No, im lucky to have them" I knew it was true. MY bestfriend and my boyfriend stood by me and made me happy. The happiest I had ever been.

The flight landed and as usual the three of us piled into one car. It drove us quickly to the hotel we were staying at and I checked into a room with Sheamus, with AJ across the hall to us. We dumped everything on the floor and showered.... together. Well it saves time and water :D. I grabbed my ring attire, my DX outfit and pulled on my black leggings, red high heels and Brougue kick cut off top. I smiled and applied little make up and dried my now completely blonde hair. I hadnt put black in it for quite some time. Me and Sheamus met AJ at the arena and he split off to go to his dressing room.

I had barely gotten changed when Shawn and Hunter came barging into the room. AJ screemed and dived for the shower door as she wasnt ready. I laughed at the guys as the engolved me in anouther one of thier hugs. "HEY you dont wanna make Sheamus jelous guys!" AJ shouted from behind the door, which caused everyone to erupt in laughter, even the voice outside the changing room. The door opened to reveal Big Show. "Thought you guys would be interested to know that the first match tonight is me and your best friend Cody Rhodes.... Enjoy" He said and left the room without anouther word. I looked up to my two DX parteners and smiled a wicked smile.

We left the room with a brief goodbye to AJ. I waited backstage as Big Show left to his titanron screen. We had a plan to capture Cody, avoid his back up men and to cover him in green gunge while attaching him to the WWE Logo that would be lifted above the ring for the entire show that night. Hunet had taken a back entrance and Shawn had taken anouther. I was left with the main front one leading to the ring. I was wearing my DX top, leggings and high heels, which Shawn had so kindly spray painted green, which i was nt too happy about. Big show had just gotten to the ring when Shawn appeared at the left top corner of the ring, from the crowd. Cody span around and found that Hunter had came from the top corner from the crowd. The titron screen showed a huge green DX with the three of us stood around it. Cody slid out of the ring and sprited up the main walk... until I stepped out, with a smile worthy of AJ. Looking mad and crazy. He faltered in his run and came to a halt. You could tell he was thinking up a plan in his head, and he began to charge at me.... full speed. Which is where the second part of the plan came into use. Sheamus, Great Khali and Wade Barret came and stood behind me. They had no intention of being violent, but it was enough for them to be stood behind me. Shawn and Hunter had made there way over and grabbed a wiggling Cody rhodes by the legs and Arms. Slowly they carried him to the Giant W sign and flattened his chest against in, I got my brown tape and wrapped, wrapped, wrapped him in the stuff. Sheamus had brought out the green gunge which smothered cody and the sign, and surely he was raised up above the ring... green, cold, stuck... A very satisfying sight i must say. I laughed all the way back to the dressing room where I was met by the horrifying sight of AJ up against a wall, held down by a non forgiving Daniel Bryan.

I screemed in fustration and Brogue kicked him in the head. Sheamus had been teaching me the move an dhow to perfect it. And although it wasnt quite perfect it had enough force to make him stagger back and drop to the floor. I ran to AJ as she slipped down the wall, shaking and crying. "I thought... thought he was going to kill me, he hates me" I let AJ cry into my hair as she began to calm down. Daniel was still lying on the foor unmoving when people ran into the room. My screem had been loud enough to alert some people... Kate, Jack Swagger, Natalya and Dolph Ziggler. They all looked concerned.... I mean what would you think if you saw an unconcious daniel bryan and an inconsoluble AJ in the arms of her best friend. Everyone new the friction between Daniel and AJ but no one thought it would come to this. Kane carried out daniel and Natalya came over to us. "She ok?" She whispered into my ear. AJ had stopped cring but she was shaking in my arms. "April, honey, are you ok?" I asked quietly and patiently. "I thought he was going to kill me Aurora, his hands were around my neck" She whimpered but she had calmed down. Natalya stoop up, "Im going to kill the next guy that hurts either of you. Niether of you have done anything to deserve any of this" She said and stormed out. I spent the next hour cradling a frail and upset AJ in my arms until she fell asleep on the floor of our changing room.

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